The Biden Rally at UD

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 31, 2008

This morning I took a look at my schedule and checked for any issues in my work inbox.  There wasn’t anything burning, so I took some time out of the office to check out the Biden rally on the University of Delaware mall.

I have been wondering what the heck they were doing having a rally in a state that wasn’t worth one iota in this election.  It was safely blue and will only serve as a cherry on top of what may be a big election night.  Sure Joe is from Delaware and it was convenient, if he wanted to spend a night at home before the election, but why not have a rally in Pennsylvania.  The answer was so simple that I walked right past it.

In fact I walked past it a dozen times.  The Obama ground game had come to Delaware to steal our young people away to Pennsylvania for some much needed canvassing.  As I approached the security checkpoint, I was approached by no fewer that 10 volunteers from the University Democrats asking me to make a trip to PA in the next few days.  I have to admit, there were some cute volunteers that I almost considered signing up just based on them.

I was very impressed at how ingenious this plan is.  Sign up these students (who probably have a lot more free time on the weekend than me) and take them on a road trip for a good cause.  It is brilliant.

When we got into the corral area, it was crowded, but not packed.  I think I just made it, because a crowd started building about 50 yards behind us.  I had a pretty crappy sightline to the podium, but it was adequate.  There were speeches by Carper (tankfully short) and Markell.  Thank skydad that they didn’t make Carper kill time before Joe got there, like they did at the J & J Dinner.  I think I would have left.  I swear, if I hear Jobama from him again, I’ll puke.

Markell spoke glowingly of UD and his life as a UD brat.  He had a great joke about how he and Matt Denn were looking forward to riding the Obama/Biden coattails all the way to victory.

Jill Biden introduced Joe.  Jill was in excellent form and gave a moving speech in her own right.  Joe joked in his speech that at some speeches the crowd was chanting Jill, baby, Jill.  I joked to some of the people around me that we could now say “Jill here.  Jill Now.”

Joe was likely making his last speech in Delaware before he becomes Vice President or at least VP-elect.  He made a wide ranging speech about why Obama was the right man for the job.  From foreign policy, to unflappability, to economic stability to social issues.  Joe made the case for Obama that was a perfect summary to all that has happened in the past year.  When Joe mentioned Sarah Palin, there were boo’s in the crowd and joe chided the crowd.  “No, don’t boo her, she is a good person.”  He also referred to McCain as “My friend, John McCain.”  What a difference from what we see from the Palin rallys.

Biden also evoked a theme that has been missing from the Bush/McCain worldview.  Each of us is responsible for helping fix this country.  We will have to sacrifice and work hard to fix the problems facing us.  Bush has been unwilling to ask us to do anything besides shopping and stocking up on duct tape.  That failure of leadership has been inherited by McCain/Palin.  It is an ech of JFK’s “ask not what your country can do for you…”

At the end of the speech, he extended the coattails to Markell and Denn, praising both men for their skills and judgement.  He also reminded everyone that what is really needed, in order to win, is for all of us to help however we can.  It is going to be a tough 4 days, but we are in the homestretch, people.

What are you doing to ensure an Obama victory?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Awesome blogging Geek. Thanks for covering this, and thanks for the reminder.

  2. nemski says:

    Great job LG.

    What am I doing to help Obama win this election? I’m cleaning out the gutters this weekend.

  3. John Kowalko says:

    I hookied out of a BRAC small business conference for a little over an hour and went to the Biden speech. The man is a gifted orator and superb public servant. I now can see why the Republicans are bitter since Obama and Joe combined with Jack and Matt certainly is an embarrassment of riches for the Democrat party to offer all the wonderful folks in Delaware. Still no excuse for the unconscionable negative attacks and dearth of ideas from the Grand Old (emphasis on old) Party.

  4. Nancy Willing says:

    I am heading to PA on Sunday at noon from Newark with a group of people from the Obama-Biden campaign. I just couldn’t say no to the caller the other night.
    Even if they are ahead by double digits, it should be an unforgettable experience.
    I wonder if they are going to van me into the southwestern part of the state? I will be writing about it when I get home.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Have fun, Nancy.

    Nemski, I will beat you with a stick next time I see you.

  6. bidengrl87 says:

    i was there at around 7 and got up to the front and was front and center i was the only one recruting for delaware on nov 4th managed to get 5 people to fill out a form joe did amazing and so did jack im so proud but now im sore from inching closer every time i moved up . and i was getting people to help out nto just for ombama but for jack and the ticket

  7. Mike Protack says:

    What changed Joe’s mind about Obama when less than a year ago he said Obama was not ready to be President?

    Good luck to all on the ballot next week.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Very nice blogging, LG. I really wish I could have skipped work this AM to go.

    I am off to PA (someplace in Chester County) tomorrow afternoon — after I spend the morning volunteering at the Household Hazardous Waste event tomorrow at the stadium….

  9. Liberalvoter says:

    Biden had so much class when the crowd booed Sarah Palin at the rally.