O’Donnell is Batshit Crazy.

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008

What follows is by far my favorite passage from a News Journal article ever.   Cris Barrish has a sense of humor.

When gardener Paul Reeves tells O’Donnell the ailing economy is his primary concern, the Republican candidate agrees, saying that she — not six-term Senate incumbent and Democratic vice presidential hopeful Joe Biden — would make the “difficult decisions” to cut government spending.

O’Donnell immediately shifts the conversation, though, to her favorite topic — religion.

“When you go into the voting booth,” the conservative Catholic says, “ask God which candidate will further the kingdom of God.”

Reeves cuts her off.

“Biden’s going to win. I’m going to be honest. He’s going to win both seats,” Reeves says. “And nobody is going to further the kingdom of God but God. That prayer wouldn’t make it to the heavenlies.”

According to two recent independent polls, O’Donnell’s bid to knock off Biden doesn’t have a prayer, either.

That is just hilarious, and it rightly reveals the utter contempt we must have to such appeals to religion.  

Ms. O’Donnell, let me tell you something.   You do not own God.  You do not own the Kingdom of God.   You do not own religion.   You do not own prayer.   You may very well be an honestly religious person who thinks that how she feels about the issues is how God feels about the issues.   But the problem with you Christofascist conservatives is that you feel empowered by your opinions about what God wants, so much so that you want to tear up the First Amendment to the Constitution, ban all other religions, ban all other opinions about what God wants in favor of your own opinion, and establish a fascist theocracy. 

Ms. O’Donnell, have you ever considered the possibility that you are wrong.  You are falliable since you are a human being.  Unlike Mike Matthews, I do not consider you a Goddess.    And if you are wrong about what God wants, it means that someone else, who you would denounce as immoral and evil, could be right.   You see, that is the problem with proclaiming that you are on God’s side, because God just might say “Uh, no you are not.”

Mr. Reeves is right.  What furthers the Kingdom of God is God.   What furthers America on Earth is thoughtful consideration of which candidate is smart, thoughtful, intelligent, and calm and who would do the most to handle the economic crisis, further social justice, end immoral wars and return America’s moral authority in this world.   And I think, if we do that, God might, just might, be happy.  But hey, I don’t know God.  I speak to Him on occasion, but he doesn’t answer me. 

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  1. nemski says:

    Alternate title: Your Republican Party

  2. jason330 says:

    Good for Reeves.

  3. anon says:

    DD, your argument concedes O’Donnell’s ludicrous premise that a vote for Biden is a vote against God.

    Actually, I will take her question at its word, and my answer is to vote for Biden and Obama/Biden.

    See, everybody gets to decide for themselves what advances the Kingdom Of God.

  4. delawaredem says:

    Oh God No, anon. What I am saying is that the question should not be asked in the first place, and if it is asked, then there is no right answer.

  5. anon says:

    See, everybody gets to decide for themselves what advances the Kingdom Of God.

    Stated more carefully: Everyone gets to define their notion of the KoG themselves. It may even be a secular notion.

    For myself, I don’t think about God that often. I decided long ago that the way I would serve God, if He exists, is to serve other people, and God can take care of himself.

  6. anon says:

    Didn’t mean to get in the weeds with theology… my point was that O’Donnell’s question was like an illegitimate push poll and contained the false premise that a vote for Biden was a vote against God.

    Batshit crazy it is.

  7. jason330 says:

    The whole premise of the question would have our founding fathers perplexed if not outraged.

  8. nemski says:

    Now if we could get Clatworthy to say something like that. 🙂

  9. Von Cracker says:

    My god can beat up your honor student!

    She’s so silly!

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    She thinks her own opinions are God’s opinions. She scares me, except she seems like a harmless kook since she doesn’t stand a chance of winning.

  11. Phlegm says:

    “But hey, I don’t know God. I speak to Him on occasion, but he doesn’t answer me. ”

    How very sad. Perhaps you aren’t listening or looking for His answers

  12. delawaredem says:


    I am being literal, in that I have never heard God’s literal voice. Yes, things have happened where I can interpret God’s will and His answers to my prayers, but what is the key word there. It is interpret. My interpretation of events. If you are going to sit there and tell me that you have literally heard God, then you are more insane than I thought.

  13. Phlegm says:

    Hint…..you don’t need your ears.

  14. jason330 says:

    Just as you don’t need your brain to vote for O’Batshit.

  15. Phlegm says:

    Quite the pharisee, aren’t we?

    What joy to meet your children some day…..I’ll be sure to give them printouts of daddy’s pottymouth.

  16. jason330 says:

    If that is what you feel you are being called to do, then do it.

  17. Dorian Gray says:

    Phlegm – Thanks for the hint. Because if one is actually hearing god talk back to them I’d advise prompt medical attention.

    If, by chance, you mean that after you pray god “sends a sign” (i.e., the wind blows, your grandmother telephones, you win $12 at bingo) I’d still advise prompt medical attention.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    I think the commenter was referring to an overt message….such as god telling Kent to stop playing with himself in the very underrated 80s flick, Real Genius.


  19. Jerry says:

    “According to two recent independent polls, O’Donnell’s bid to knock off Biden doesn’t have a prayer, either.”

    That is hilarious, just hilarious. Funniest thing I’ve read all year. 😀

  20. lollydee says:

    I would think that even the Republican’s would tire of putting her up as the sacrificial lamb. Also, her permanent cracked out smile/sneer gives me the heebie jeebies.

  21. anonone says:

    And I thought Mike Matthews only supported her for her looks.

  22. nemski says:

    When did Julia Louis-Dreyfus move to Delaware?

  23. delawaredem says:

    Hey, Elaine is an Orioles fan.

  24. John Manifold says:

    I was wondering what Republican has given to Christine – would Irenée dissipate any gunpowder on her? – but on checking, I can find no campaign finance report:


    I guess compliance with campaign finance disclosure laws is ungodly …