Updated: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Filed in National by on September 30, 2008

John McCain may suspend his campaign again!


I am so over this nonsense.  

Hey, maybe if McCain suspends Newt will step in.  Seems he’s already messing around behind the scenes.  So much for blaming Pelosi.

UPDATE: For those of you who’ve forgotten how McCain ended up in this suspension situation again…


(Via TPM)

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (16)

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  1. jason330 says:

    This one is going to be “double secret suspension.”

  2. nemski says:

    Okay, I admit it, I cannot watch this video. Is it possible that McCain has less mental faculties than GWB?

  3. pandora says:

    You know, Nemski, I was wondering the same thing myself. If my father was behaving this erratically my brother and I would be looking into assisted living ASAP!

    BTW, the video is painful to watch.

  4. nemski says:

    pandora, the way McCain has been acting is very scary. It is one thing to be “mavericky”, but it is another to act solely on a whim.

    I really hope for the sake of our country that McCain is not a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

  5. jason330 says:


    I don’t know which is worse; McCain’s crazy BS, or the Fox Noise talking heads sucking up to him like he is George Effing Washington.

  6. anonone says:

    Isn’t Palin the self-described dog with lipstick? We’ll see Thursday if she has learned any new tricks.

  7. Pooping Left Wing Troll says:

    I poop on Fox News.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    The Fox Noise kids were hysterical —

    Hey Kids! Let’s put on a suspension and pretend that’s leadership! Yeah!

  9. mike w. says:

    “I don’t know which is worse; McCain’s crazy BS, or the Fox Noise talking heads sucking up to him like he is George Effing Washington.”

    When the only other option is a Socialist people have no choice but to support McCain.

  10. June says:

    mike w.,

    It doesn’t matter who would be running aginst McCain, you would vote for McCain. That’s how some Republicans are, and reading what you write on this blog, you’re one of them. The Socialist label doesn’t fly with Obama So stop making excuses. Bet you voted for Bush both times.

  11. pandora says:

    Don’t think Mike was old enough to vote for Bush the first time, although I’m sure he voted for him with his heart. 😉

  12. cassandra_m says:

    We’re just fortunate that mike’s Cheetos can’t vote.

  13. P.I. says:

    Back in the day when I was a youngster we’d say “Gag me with a spoon!”. That’s all I can think of after venturing into this video even a little bit.

  14. mike w. says:

    Nope, wasn’t old enough to vote in 2000. I wasn’t a fan of Bush in 04′, but you guys had to nominate an uber-liberal schmuck like Kerry instead of someone more moderate.

    Now here we are 4 years later and you’ve nominated someone who makes Kerry look like a moderate.

    Cass – What cheetos? Cheetos are gross.

    June – It’s not an excuse. I don’t vote for socialists. I would say gun-grabbing socialists but the two pretty much go hand in hand.

  15. nemski says:

    Socialists and guns. Got to love it.

  16. mike w. says:

    Obama –
    Socialist? Check.
    Gun Grabber? Check.

    No wonder you love it Nemski.