Ha Ha Funny

Filed in National by on September 30, 2008

You may have seen this at kos.  A Fox TV “journalists” is doing a story about how split the vote is in PA and…well just watch. 


I love the last bit.  


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Laughed off! Too funny…yet sad.

  2. pandora says:

    Spinning with visuals can be tricky.

    Did you hear the patrons laughing at the reporter at the end?

  3. anonone says:

    Ya gotta post Palin’s latest where she can’t name a single newspaper or magazine that she reads. She is really, literally, stupid beyond belief.


  4. pandora says:

    Ask and you shall receive! DD just posted it.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    OMG. That is some good FOX stuff. I have tears in my eyes.

  6. edisonkitty says:


  7. nemski says:

    Fixed Noise making things fair and balanced.

  8. FSP says:

    That’s hilarious.