Good thing only muslims have crazy radicals

Filed in National by on September 7, 2008


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  1. miscreant says:

    Nice soundtrack. Portishead kicks ass.

    But, enough hand wringing, pantie wetting, and self-flagellation, lefties. It’s time to celebrate. The Olbermann experiment has failed. Check out the New York Times.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    This is a very common, Mike W-esqe comment. The post is about Christianist radicals and the comment is about Oberman not anchoring the election coverage but still ‘at the desk’ doing commentary. What the fuck are you talking about?!?!? How about an opinion about the post… negative, positive… and not about the fucking soundtrack you empty-headed squid.

    As for the slide show… I dig it. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, et al… cultural poison!

  3. David says:

    I am glad that the secular left didn’t kill a hundred million in Communist purges in Cambodia, Russia, China, Uganda, and elsewhere–wait they did. I am glad that Hitler was so religious–oh he wasn’t. I am so grateful that a godless secular society has led to purpose and contentment all over the world. Oh, it hasn’t. I am glad that they invented science and democracy, wait they didn’t. I am so grateful that educational achievement has increased mightily since God was expelled from our schools; that didn’t happen either.

    Oh well, maybe religion isn’t so bad. Maybe thug radicals are just part of the universal human condition and we need to oppose them where ever we find them. No, that is too easy.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    I am glad that they invented science and democracy, wait they didn’t.

    You are kidding, right? Democracy (Greek style) predates Christianity and Islam. I’d have to check on the status of Judaism at the time, but they certainly weren’t much of an influence in Greek affairs.

    Or perhaps you are putting Greek Mythology on par with Christianity. If so, I rescind my criticism.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    #1. As most of the lterate population knows Hitler was a practicing Roman Catholic. Check the speechs. Research his relationship with the Vatican. Just try to read something.

    #2. The difference between Stalin, Pol Pot et al is that those atrocities were not comiitted in the name of atheism. They were committed in the name of totalitarism, communism, etc. The religious atrocities were committed in god’s name.

    Thanks for the typical boilerplate bullshit though. It’s Monday so I need time to warm up.

  6. Sharon says:

    Wow, what a bunch of sick freaks. Too bad you have to try to paint Christians this way.

  7. pandora says:

    Sharon, I think the video showed religious atrocities across the board. Everyone was included, and rightly so.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    I think that if you honestly looked at those pictures, it was the Christians themselves painting themselves in a bad light. Unless, of course, you have some light to shed on the Christians wearing the bedsheets.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    And it is true that Hitler was Catholic, it is also true that atrocities committed against humanity don’t depend on your religious orientation.

    It is fair, I think to wonder about our own homegrown Christian nationalists who seem to think that neither the 10 Commandments or the admonition to Love they neighbor apply to them. And if they don’t, then what is the point in being Christian?

  10. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Yes indeed DG
    Hitler was a practicing Roman Catholic. …….Oh yes indeed. It was a devils bargain with the Church “I leave you alone and you let me govern”.
    Oh yes “Wir treten zu beten for Gott den gerechten” was sung before most meetings.
    Translation “We stand in prayer before God the Just…..”
    I know I was there. Tons of pictures in google with Hitler and the Prelates.
    Pandora you are right……..These fanatics come in all colors.
    Christians take heed : “One Commandment I give on to you, that ye shall love one another as I have loved you.” This has never been accomplished.
    By individuals yes. As a Church NO.

  11. Phantom says:

    Wow Sharon,
    Can’t take the truth about the nutjobs. Unfortunately Christianity is trending towards the nutjobs just as Islam is trending towards the radicals. The video didn’t make a judgement but just allowed you to make your own observation based on the images displayed. I, for one, am not surprised at how the message of religion has been altered and subjegated to satisfy the basest of humanity’s instincts.

  12. miscreant says:

    Dorian G.,
    I guess I’ll have to break it down for you in simpler terms: The music was the only part of the slide show that had any redeeming value to me. The rest was uninspired, platitudinal tripe, and common knowledge to most junior high school students. The demise of a leftist icon, like Olbermann, was just a little icing on the cake. Now that you’ve demonstrated the obvious has eluded your limp-wristed grip, go change your panties.

    Sorry about the big words.

  13. David says:

    The Ancient Greeks weren’t secular at the time. I didn’t claim them to be Christians. I would point out that the Jewish people really had the first government under law which gave rights to the people to rule their affairs. They had local councils which elected regionial and tribial councils. Ancient Israel was ruled by tribal counsels selected by the people until they decided they needed a king. Representative government existed long before the Greeks.

  14. Dorian Gray says:

    See now was that so hard. You had me right until the Obermann story is somehow icing on the cake. The cake of what? It isn’t related in any way. And he’s an icon? OK…

  15. Jonny Wonder says:

    Well, the Liberal left has killed more people than crazy conservatives. Keep in mind that Hitler was a Socialist. Not a communist, mind you, but his speeches were inspiring.. much like that Barry Obama guy.

    I haven’t seen too many Right wing nutcase Christians blow themselves up/topple legitimate governments/institute the death penalty for things like adultery IN THE PAST 200 YEARS.

    But they’re just as crazy, right?

  16. David says:

    Dorine, you need to read more. A practicing Catholic would not threaten the Pope. Hitler was raised a practicing Catholic in his youth but decided to put together his own belief as an adult that combined what he liked about some of everything and was secular in his government. He was baptized Catholic, but like the communists his involvement in the Church was about shutting down opposition and putting his people in place of independent priests and ministers The man was not in Mass every week practicing his devotion. I haven’t found any mainstream account which would describe him as a practicing Catholic. The Church had a huge problem with him. They did what they could under threat of destruction. While the secular institutions in Germany went along with him.

    Even which distorts his supposed christian connection (it doesn’t take account that he tried to tie his radical beliefs to something popular on occasion) admits that he didn’t practice any religion.

    If Hitler says in response to the complaint of ministers and priests that his persecution of the Jews was wrong, “Well Jesus died to cleanse the world of Jewish poison”, that does not make him a Christian. It means he hated Jews and tried anything to justify it. Jesus was a Jew.

    Hitler was a Darwinist. I guess we should say all evolutionists are evil by the logic of the youtube post.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Jonny’s an idiot.

    Hitler was a total fascist….about as far right as you can get….

    I will say that I never viewed the political spectrum as a linear thing…it’s a circular model, with totalitarianism encompassing pure communism and fascism.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    Hitler used the Christian Democrats of Germany as the original base of his political ideology.

    He used them to get legitimacy on the national level. Look back at his speeches, early on, and notice all the christian references….

    It was the ultimate political bait-and-switch…up until Bu$hCo.

    But that’s ok….you rubes will believe anything as long as you can find just one person to validate your views…..

  19. Truth Teller says:

    In 350AD the emperor Constantine made christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. (Even though he continued to worship mercury himself.) However under Christianity the Roman Empire ceased to exist 70 years later by 410 Ad it was doneor on it’s way to be done

  20. JohnnyX says:

    I think what we should take away from this video is the danger of extremism, be it religiously motivated or otherwise. While I consider myself an atheist and generally regard religion as a waste of my time, I have neither the motivation nor the desire to go out and attempt to co-opt others into agreeing with me on that point. If they ask me how I feel about religion or engage me in a debate, fine, I’ll tell them how I feel and may be brutally honest about the point. However, it’s highly doubtful that it will progress beyond debate to, say, protesting funerals or creating hate-centered websites or wearing sheets and burning crosses, etc. And I’m most certainly not going to go around hurting or killing people in the name of atheism.

    That’s not to say that I’m patting myself on the back for being an atheist or claiming that atheists are by default more moral or “better” than believers. Rather, I’m patting myself on the back for not being an extremist. I think most would agree that logical, moderate individuals (believers or not) are more moral or “better” than extremists. If you’re Christian or Muslim or a member of any religious denomination and do good works, great. The fact that I think you’re doing said works to satisfy someone/thing that doesn’t actually exist is irrelevant. But if you use religion as a justification for engaging in hateful or hurtful acts, then you deserve condemnation across the board. And believe me, I’ll let you hear it.