Mass Defections Coming?

Filed in National by on September 2, 2008

There is talk on Capital Hill that many Republicans are nervous about Sarah Palin.  Not so much because of her lack of experience, or her unethical behavior or ties to lobbyists.   It is because of her neocon positions.  The ‘Realist School of Foreign Policy’ includes such Republicans like Sen. Dick Lugar, Chuck Hagel, George Voinovich, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Undersecretary Richard Armitage, and Brent Scowcroft, and they were already angered by McCain’s embrace of neo-conservatism.   But now the talk is that this Palin selection has pushed many over the edge.

Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel were already rumored to be considering endorsing Obama before the Palin selection.

I wonder if we will see a mass defection soon.

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  1. Benjamin says:

    I said it last week before Palin was picked but I am pretty sure a Hagel or Powell endorsement is what Obama has planned to counteract the McCain convention bounce. Keep your eyes out on Friday. It is all the more likely now.

    I doubt elected officials would buck the candidate of their party that they endorsed but maybe they will act with McCain like Rendell acts with Obama. A supporter that keeps bitching to journalists about what is wrong

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    I would be mildly suprised by this – if it were to occur. Kos’ buddy CT Joe is speaking at the GOP convention but he was basically forced out. In this day in age it is very, very rare to see anyone break ranks. Fuck, no big name Repub has denounced W. so far as I know. I am talking current heavy hitter, not some dude W.’s old man was tight with. No current GOPers are going to ruin their career… but who knows. One can dream!

  3. jason330 says:

    Mike Castle to defect?

    I kid.

  4. delawaredem says:


    But what if their career is already over? Hagel is retiring, and Powell is retired. Same for Scowcroft and Armitage. Lugar and Voinovich are established longtime senators who really don’t need the party anymore. Indeed, Lugar probably won’t run for reelection the next time he is up.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Armitage is an advisor to McCain and I think is angling for Secretary of State in a McCain administration. It is likely his last chance at that apple, so I doubt that he would endorse.

  6. Liz allen says:

    Armitage’s endorsement shouldnt be accepted. After all, he outed Valerie Plame. A Bush cabinent official, Rumsfeld crony!

    Why would Obama take the worst cabinent in modern history and place any of them in his administration.

    No change there.

  7. JadeGold says:

    I’m not sure I’d want a Colin Powell endorsement.

    It’s a matter of principle.

  8. Joe Cass says:

    Defect from “Beauty and the Beast”?
    Why does Colin Powell hate Disney?

  9. Bookem says:

    How about backing up your assertions with some of those silly things called the facts?

  10. pandora says:

    Hagel has pretty much endorsed Obama already. The question is… will he make it official?

  11. Bookem says:

    Wow, the huffington post. Now that is some real mainstream journalism. C’mon, you can do better. I’d even take something from your rags like the NY Times or Wash. Post. I have not seen it and I wager you have not either.

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    DD – That’s sort of my point. Those old geezers have nothing to lose anyway so their potential Obama “endorsements” don’t have the kind of gravitas one would if it came from some Republican over the age of 70 say.