McCain is toast

Filed in National by on August 29, 2008

This from Easchton…

38 Million Viewers:

Barack Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention was seen by more than 38 million people.

Nielsen Media Research said more people watched Obama speak than watched the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing….

That number does not include PBS or C-Span. Nor does it include those who streamed it over the web.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Common Sense Political Thought » Archives » John McCain’s Speech | September 5, 2008
  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    That is really startling. Obama did wonderful last night and it is good to know that so many people watched to hear his own words. That means they will be able to judge Obama for themselves.

  2. jason330 says:

    As I said earlier today, it was the speech I’ve been longing to hear since I started knowing a little about the power and purpose of politics. What a great night and a great day today.

    The panicky pyschological projection on the right is the cherry on the cake.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    and let’s not forget that number is on the low-side since they don’t know for certain how many people are watching a single TV set.

    There were 4 of us watching last night.

  4. pandora says:

    Good point… there were 3 of us watching.

  5. Linoge says:

    So, optimistically, I will give you that one third of the population of the United States was watching the speech last night.

    That said, you do not know the political affiliation of any of those people, nor do we know how many people will be watching the RNC speech(es). Without those two pieces of information, this statistic is rather meaningless, apart from indicating that the Democrats put on a better show for television than China… and I am not really sure what I would make of that.

  6. Joe Cass says:

    121 million voted 2004 with Kerry getting 48.3% or 59,028,444 popular. So, if 18 million more watch Obama over Kerry then according to my math…= a great start

  7. anon says:

    Also, McCain could not get 10,000 to show for his VP announce…= toast.

  8. Anon says:

    but yet America spent their day talking about which campaign?

  9. Joe Cass says:

    but yet America spent their day talking about which campaign

    And ” Way to go Brownie! “

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    2nd Anon,

    I don’t think McCain “won the day.” If his goal was to deny coverage to Obama, I guess he succeeded but the coverage started out with “who?” morphed into “bold choice,” and now is turning into “WTF was he thinking?” I don’t think a day of people questioning his judgment was what he was going for here. We’re already seeing videos of her calling Hillary a whiner and questioning what a VP does all day plus we’re getting “Republicans divided” stories. I think McCain lost his best argument to gain in the news cycle but I think his gamble didn’t pay off. I guess Gov. Palin could still surprise us.

  11. Unstable Isotope says:


    I agree we’ll have to wait to see the viewership numbers for McCain. I guess I really want as many people as possible to watch, since he’s a terrible speaker (judging by today’s performance).

  12. Linoge says:

    Unstable – No worries, I actually agree that McCain is a rather poor public speaker, especially when put up against an oratorial master like Obama. I just dislike statistics being misused, especially when no frame of reference is used for them.

    That said, should more people end up watching the DNC than the RNC, the Democratic party will have my congratulations… for producing good television. You will still have a very hard row to plow if you are going to try and convince me that viewership equals votes, though.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    Viewership does not equal votes, but it certainly presents an opportunity for persuasion. Interesting statistic though:

    Coverage of John Kerry’s acceptance speech in 2004 had 24.4 million viewers; coverage of George W. Bush’s convention speech that same year drew 27.5 million.

    More people watched Bush’s speech than Kerry’s. We know how that turned out…

  14. G Rex says:

    So, nobody was watching the Eagles lose to the Jets? Oh well, it’s preseason.

  15. Wait…have I missed something? Has McCain had his chance yet? OK. When his ratings are released, then maybe you can make such a post.

  16. Call It says:

    Mike, where the hell is Dominique?

  17. Linoge says:

    More people watched Bush’s speech than Kerry’s. We know how that turned out…

    Yeah… Bush won ;). (And, for the love of all that is holy and good in the Universe, please do not start the impending rant…)

  18. At work, I believe. She’s working on something to post tonight.

  19. Call It says:

    God I can’t wait.

  20. Sharon says:

    Lots of people watched the speech because it was a historic occasion. That doesn’t mean they are planning to vote for Obama or that they believe half of what he said.

    OTOH, I had to deprogram my son today, who came home telling me that his teacher had told him what a historic occasion this was and why we should vote for Obama. You know, I don’t pay teachers to brainwash my kid about politics. That’s my job. 🙂

    I dunno what coverage y’all are watching about McCain’s pick. My opinion is that she’s a great pick and that the Left has to put her down cuz, well, REPUBLICANS CAN’T NOMINATE A WOMAN!!!!

    It’s still 4 months, folks. And everybody knows that Obama reads well. Let’s see how he does in the debates.

  21. Von Cracker says:

    Today at work, I spoke with 10 female HRC supporters…not pro Obama.

    To a woman, the Palin pick does nothing for them …in fact, most thought it was unabashed pandering and a slap in the face.

    BTW, I work in PA

  22. Von,

    I’m confused by your post. So, who are the women you work with supporting?

  23. Sharon says:

    Today at work, I spoke with 10 female HRC supporters…not pro Obama.

    Now that’s a scientific poll.

  24. Graniaclewbay says:

    “We are our brother’s keeper,” yeah except when that brother lives in a hut on $1 per month and has no cable. Did that poor soul get to go to the local church to watch BIG BROTHER view the mega speech…HYPOCRITE

  25. mike w. says:

    “Lots of people watched the speech because it was a historic occasion. That doesn’t mean they are planning to vote for Obama or that they believe half of what he said.”

    Excellent point Sharon. I watched some of it because, as much as I despise Obama, I do realize how historic this is. He’s the 1st black man nominated by a major party and who’s actually a serious contender for the Presidency.

  26. Jadegold says:

    John McSame is toast.

    I have no earthly idea why he picked Palin. It’s a Hail Mary pass that signals his desperation.

  27. pandora says:

    Historic occasion? HA! Americans don’t do historic occasions anymore – think Labor Day, Memorial Day, or the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Americans tuned in because they are engaged in this election. If they weren’t interested in this election they would have watched American Idol, etc.

    Nice try though.

  28. mike w. says:

    Pandora – You’re seriously saying Obama’s nomination (and Palin’s) aren’t historic?

  29. Of course Palin’s nomination isn’t historic because it was done more than 20 years ago. Now, if McCain wins, it will be historic.

  30. pandora says:

    Of course that’s not what I’m saying, Mike, and you know it. Just like you know that Americans watching something for solely “historic reasons” is crap.

  31. mike w. says:

    “Of course Palin’s nomination isn’t historic because it was done more than 20 years ago. Now, if McCain wins, it will be historic.”

    Yup, the year before I was born in fact, but this is the 1st woman Republican VP.

  32. Ridonkulous says:

    Actually, very smart choice….

    Biden would have muscled and browbeat Pawlenty or Romney on foreign policy blowhardery.

    If he behaves that way toward Mrs. Palin, then he’ll risk turn off 51% of the electorate.

    Palin is antidote to Biden Bluster.

    Good choice!

  33. Joe Cass says:

    The state of affairs presently in America doesn’t lend itself to chivalry so much so that Biden is weakened. He’s gonna deck her and look like a gentleman doing it.

  34. Ridonkulous says:


    Five bucks says he sticks both feet in his mouth and asks to borrow the moderator’s as well.

  35. liz allen says:

    Palin is as anti choice as they come! She is not only anti choice, she is opposed to abortion even in cases of rape and incest (Juneau Empire 8/29/08) and Anchorage Daily News.

    Palin is also a member of the “Feminists for Life”. The majority of women will not fall for this 19th century throwback.

  36. pandora says:

    Agreed, Joe C., Biden’s age, the generation in which he was raised, will serve him well in the debates. Hope Palin is studying up.

  37. Joe Cass says:

    sucker’s bet

  38. Ridonkulous says:

    Let’s up it then.

    After lovelacing the moderator’s feet, I say he gets halfway through the front row and makes a thespian’s best effort to break the fourth wall and devour my little toe (remember, it’s the piggy that cried “wee wee wee” all the way home….democrats aren’t very good with piggies that go to the market!)

  39. Joe Cass says:

    You’re a very funny person. You had me laughing as much as when I heard the pick. But seriously,Biden doesn’t own a set of shoes he hasn’t tasted and yet he alone can beat the GOP ticket.

  40. Ridonkulous says:

    I agree the dem ticket is inverted.

    Joe might have wrestled my vote away if he were the top.

  41. Unstable Isotope says:

    Actually I think Biden has a bit of immunity from gaffes. Since he’s known for them, everyone will just laugh and say “ha, ha, that’s just Joe.” That’s my guess anyway.

    As a woman, I’m actually pretty offended by the idea that Joe will have to “go easy” on her. As long as criticism of her is not couched in sexist terms, it’s not off-limits. However, the bar will be set ridiculously low for her so it will probably be easy for her to pass over it.

  42. Jadegold says:

    Let’s face it, McCain’s VP choice is misogynistic.

    He’s only met her once. Her credentials, to be charitable, are pretty meager. She has some pretty far out views.

    The only reason McCain picked her is out of the belief that there are scads of women voters who will vote for a woman regardless of her views or experience.

    That should be pretty insulting to women.

  43. Created Equal says:

    What bar? She’s practically a slug.

    Do Republicans actually want to see the results of this sick experiment? There won’t be an America left if they win another term.

    The French will just have to offer the rest of you asylum. But all of you from Utah will have to stay…sorry 🙁

  44. Joe Cass says:

    UI, that is my perspective. Its very uncomfortable when he does it (often) but its never so horrible or damaging.

  45. liz allen says:

    Palin’s education: a BA in journalism…right on McCain! “I haven’t paid much attention to Iraq”, while she is packing up her son to go to Iraq. Many Alaskans think she is just “dumb”.

    Lets all have fun while McCain remakes this woman who likes to kill and eat MOOSE!

    House full of dead animals! Yikes don’t they scare the children! Ok this woman has a 4month old downs syndrome child. As difficult as that is, did McCain take that into consideration?

    Someone said, “he picked her because Alaska is close to Russia”….with McCain provoking Russia, that makes sense! Huh!

  46. Created Equal says:

    I think this is fantastic. You see there is a grand plan…You see the pitfalls of over breeding? Make it a round number Palin. I want 10 babies by 2012. Get busy. At least we’ll have a reason for the high amount of retards in the White House for a change.

  47. Ridonkulous says:

    Yes, young Skywalker, I can feel the hate coursing through your veins!

  48. Andy says:

    At least we’ll have a reason for the high amount of retards in the White House for a change.

    CE that was below the belt why dont you shut up

  49. Joe Cass says:

    Ridonk is in scripting mode and C= engages war of the ovaries. I couldn’t plan a more entertaining Friday night. Bill Moyers to boot!

  50. Ridonkulous says:

    Well if CE aint DV, then I think we found Mrs. Hotviti #3 (aka Matricide….the Final Chapter)

  51. Created Equal says:

    The Force is Strong guys. What can I say.

    Andy, if there was any implied innudeno in that offensive statement about the R***rds, I do apologize, the temptation got the better of me. I am but a Padawan deseprately attepmting to resist the temptation of a very dark side.

    Sorry I am.

  52. G Rex says:

    Jeez you guys sound worried. Is it because McCain’s VP pick is more qualified to be president than your Candidate? Ooh ohh, Barry was a community activist!

  53. G Rex says:

    “Ok this woman has a 4month old downs syndrome child. As difficult as that is, did McCain take that into consideration?”

    Yes Liz, because she’ll better understand how to deal with Reid and Pelosi.

  54. Bob Cooper says:

    The really important question is, who will play her on Saturday Night Live? I’m hoping for Kirstin Wiig.

  55. Created Equal says:

    Might I just interject and say that Mc Cain liked the idea of more than one mentally challenged Republican serving with him. He thought at the very least in the dying throws of his presidential bid he might be able to use that for some kind of sympathy vote. And please Rex, remember…Pelosi is 3rd in line to the throne, so if Mc Cain has a boo boo and kicks the bucket and Palin aka “The Rabbit” needs maternity leave (for the 8th time?) So very very very likely… Guess whose number one?! 🙂

    Fucked the Republicans are.

  56. G Rex says:

    CE, it’s “throes” not “throws.” Besides, Pelosi might be in the hospital with a botox overdose.

  57. G Rex says:

    Hold the phone, Hillary only has one child to Palin’s five! Is that because she had her tubes tied rather than interrupt her political aspirations, or because Bill hasn’t touched her in years?

  58. mike w. says:

    “Many Alaskans think she is just “dumb”.”

    Yeah, that must explain her ~90% approval ratings in AK……

    And what the hell is wrong with hunting & eating moose?

  59. G Rex says:

    Mmm, yummy! And I had venison burgers at my sister’s last weekend.

    Hey Liz, 95% of Delawareans think you’re completely insane! And the other 5% haven’t heard you calling into radio talk shows.

  60. mike w. says:

    To be honest Liz sounds like an unhinged conspiracy theorist in most of her comments.

    I don’t hunt, though I have had venison a few times. It’s quite good and very healthy.

  61. Fister says:

    Mike, what you need to do is get laid.Clear out the cobwebs..Stop thinking about Liz and start thinking about women.But no thinking about Alaskan women,no good can come of that.

  62. Von Cracker says:

    MikeM – Most said they’ll vote Obama, but holding their nose while doing it. A couple are waiting for after the debates.

    McCain interested them because of he’s well-known and Obama wasn’t, but his movement to the far right has sealed the deal against him. This VP pick was the final straw…they called it pandering to the highest order.

    Sharon – thanks for pointing out the obvious!

    A pat on the back for you…..

  63. Paul says:

    Consider Biden’s Dilemma.
    Both of his opponents look alike.
    One for VP and the other for Delaware US Senate.

    He could save time debating both at the same time.

  64. mike w. says:

    What you folks fail to realize is that viewership doesn’t necessarily mean those viewers are likely to vote Obama. I watched his speech to see what kind of stupid bullshit he was going to spew (and spew he did). I was a “viewer” but certainly am not an Obama supporter.

  65. Linoge says:

    So the numbers finally came back. Obama had 38.3 million viewers on 10 different networks. Palin, on the other hand, had 37.2 million viewers on 6 different networks. I wonder what would have happened if those four disjoint networks (Telemundo, TV One, Univision, and BET) had aired Palin’s speech as well. And, of course, the same thing applies for not counting C-SPAN, PBS, or streamers, so you can just go ahead and throw out those numbers for both parties.

    Oh, and the public opinion polls are starting to equalize up… Looks like the numbers are not working out as well as initially hoped here.

  66. Linoge says:

    … and now that the numbers for McCain’s speech have come out, where is the “Obama is Toast” post anywise?

    (Not that I believe viewership in any way indicates the outcome of this election, just saying…)

  67. Jadegold says:

    Linoge, you’re looking at the wrong metrics. People would tune in to see you wear your underwear on your head. Doesn’t mean they’d vote for you.

    You really ought to see the polling and fundraising. Obama’s kicking your boy’s butt.

    Editor’s note: One word was changed upon request.