She’s Hillary Rodham Clinton and She Does Not Approve This Message

Filed in National by on August 26, 2008


This is good, and I bet you hear this alot over the next few days (maybe weeks). The crowd is clearly receptive to her message of support for Obama and the crowd clearly boos the fact that the McCain camp is using her supporters against Obama and the Party. I wonder if the Obama folks can figure out how to make this into a real ad?

Looking at this, though, I think that if I were HRC right now I would be really mad at the hangers on — the people all over the media right now with all of their issues on being second place. There has got to be a point at which HRC is forever associated with these deadenders who are complaining largely because they do not get that there is no silver medal ceremony for the primary loser. I heard more of them on NPR this AM and was embarrassed now for HRC when I hear them.

But there will be a roll call vote and I am predicting that it will be anti-climatic. But since I cannot resist an excellent piece of snark, when you are watching during the Roll Call, think of this headline as that night’s goal.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    Bottom line… those were strong words. If her speech to the full convention is delivered in kind that would be great! Kudos to HRC!