John McCain Charges Four Times More On His American Express Card Every Year Than You Make

Filed in National by on August 22, 2008

The Centurian Card is only for high rollers like McCain.  


BTW – Rick Jensen thinks it is just dandy that McCain made his money like this…

In 1979 at a military reception in Honolulu, McCain met Cindy Hensley, an attractive 25-year-old woman from a very wealthy politically-connected Arizona family. Cindy’s father, Jim, founded the Hensley and Company, the nation’s third-largest Anheuser-Busch distributor.

McCain described their first meeting, “She was lovely, intelligent and charming, 17 years my junior but poised and confident. I monopolized her attention the entire time, taking care to prevent anyone else from intruding on our conversation. When it came time to leave the party, I persuaded her to join me for drinks at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. By the evening’s end, I was in love.”

While still married to Carol, McCain began an adulterous relationship with Cindy. He married Cindy in May 1980 — just a month after dumping Carol and securing a divorce. The newlyweds honeymooned in Hawaii.

McCain followed his young, millionairess wife back to Arizona where her father helped catapult McCain into politics,

Today, Cindy Hensley McCain is chairwoman of Hensley’s board of directors. Hensley and Company financial reports show assets worth a minimum of $28 million for the McCains

That is what I call character.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (48)

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  1. A. Bundy says:

    Great post, dude. Really. This was truly a worthwhile read! Keep up the great work.

  2. yet here you are 10 pm at night reading…

    give it up lady.

  3. Sharon says:

    Why should I be concerned about what John McCain does with his own money?

  4. you should be concerned with what john mccain says his oponent is while he is actually what he is railing against

  5. Sharon says:

    John McCain says Barack Obama is rich? I thought McCain was arguing that Obama was an elitist, a snob. You don’t have to be rich to be snobby.

  6. mike w. says:

    Elitism is about attitude, not money. Obama is condescending, arrogant, and snobby.

  7. really? so how is Obama arrogant? snobby? how does he talk down to you mike?

    really, please define elitism for us. It seams like a moving target on your end. one that you and your kind get to define on a daily basis. admit it. you don’t know what an elitist is. you know what you are told one is…

    4 years ago it was a guy with a wife that was a ketchup heir

    now, your guy is the husband to a beer heir and low and behold

    an elistist is someone that talks down to people.

    what about a guy that calls his wife a cunt? what is that?

    you really are a sad sack.

  8. a guy that spends over….OVER mike. you hear that OVER a quarter of a million dollars in a year MIKE….in a year….o just one credit card. Not the several credit cards he has combined. just ONE credit card. Yep…he isn’t eliist. He is just like you and I.

    that’s not elitist.

    Obama talks down to you though? right. The guy is trying to speak to democrats and magically you are offended and think he is arrogant. gee what a shocker so do the rest of the GOP.

    you really are a free thinker aren’t you?

  9. mike w. says:

    “you really are a free thinker aren’t you?”

    Compared to you, absolutely. I don’t agree with a great deal of either party platform.

    I don’t give 2 shits what McCain and his wife spend. it’s their money not mine. They’re free to do as they wish with it.

  10. wahhhh Obama talks down to me…

    he is arrogant.

    seriously? that is all you have.

    You should give a shit what they spend. If you are so fucking worried about how Obama apparently talks down to you.

    because if you are so fucking worried about how somoene talks to you and not worried about the substance behind someones words mike you are really are a fucking idiot.

    but typical of a Republican…you are a PR persons wet dream. You don’t care about what’s behind the words. Only how they are delivered.

    get in line sheep….

  11. it is so funny how pathetic you are. You can’t hold your guy to the same standard he holds everyone else to mike.

    the more you talk the less intelligent you sound.

    Obama is snobby. Wow…what a revelation.

    He talks down to me. Wahhhh

    your ignorance has no bounds.

  12. you beat up Obama, somehow defend Mccain. then several days ago say you can’t stand McCain.

    once again, exactly why you are a troll and get no respect around here.

  13. mike w. says:

    I’ve explained how he’s elitist IN DETAIL before, but as usual you lack the capacity to understand complex discussion.

    “the more you talk the less intelligent you sound.”

    Considering comments 10-12 you might want to stop while you’re ahead, before you prove to everyone that you have no capacity for rational thought and substantive discussion.

  14. DPN (tpfka nemski) says:

    dv you’re feeding the trolls again.

  15. mike w. says:

    “you beat up Obama, somehow defend Mccain. then several days ago say you can’t stand McCain.”

    You are so simple it’s sad and almost not worth responding to. Again, this is something you’ve said before that I’ve discussed in detail. As usual though, logical, rational, substantive commentary goes right over your head. Maybe that’s part of the reason why 99% of your comments are incredibly simple and lack substance.

  16. no mike, I lack the energy to read your bullshit. You say one thing and don’t apply it to both sides. you shift your opinion based on god knows what.

    Obama talks down to you? He is a snob? gee…doesn’t that sound like something the GOP says.

    So sad. I’m sure 4 years ago you were blasting away on john Kerry. Insert Kerry where McCain is right now and there is NO difference.

    both were in Nam
    both married into money
    both have several houses
    both have been in washington forever
    both are divorced

    one is gop one is dem

    yet…Kerry is the Elitist right? and McCain? what is McCain to you.

    Don’t you get tired of being wrong?

    So sad…so sad…

    a guy doesn’t know how many homes he has. THE GUY DOESN’T KNOW HOW MANY HOMES HE HAS MIKE? THAT ISN’T ELITIST TO YOU?

    My dad has 14 investiment properties Mike. if you ask him tomorrow how many homes he owns. he can tell you in about 20 seconds. not I will get back to you.

    seriously. apply your standards to both candidates if you want to be taken seriously.

  17. mike w. says:

    Hey nemski – you ran away from the discussion you were having with me over at my place. Funny. I logically refuted your arguments with actual facts, right from the issuing agencies and then you left with nothing more to say. I will say, your anecdotal “facts” from the Brady website were hilarious, especially when contrasted with the data I presented directly from the state of Florida & Texas (the actual issuing authorities)

  18. sometimes it’s nice to shoot your gun into a barrel of fish though

  19. mike w. says:

    :seriously. apply your standards to both candidates if you want to be taken seriously.:

    I’ve done that quite often, you just ignore comments that don’t suit your views. I have issues with both candidates, but McCain is the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to policy issues.

  20. DPN (tpfka nemski) says:

    LOL. The best was this though:

    Elitism is about attitude, not money. Obama is condescending, arrogant, and snobby.

    That’s the pot calling the kettle black.

  21. right Obama is elitist b/c of the way he talks.

    McCain doesn’t know how many homes he has . Owns $500 shoes. Spends over a quarter of a million annually on just ONE credit card. BUT, BUT, but he doesn’t talk down to you all that means regular fellow to you.

    still waiting for you to define how he talks down to you.

    like I said. You are pathetic.

  22. mike w. says:

    “sometimes it’s nice to shoot your gun into a barrel of fish though”

    That’d violate rule #4 though.

    Know your target and what’s beyond it. A barrel is not a sufficient backstop.

  23. you are my target mike and behind you the sheep in the GOP and behind that your “lesser than” vote not elitist, 7 home, $25o,ooo.oo a year spending limit on one of his many credit cards, $50 an hour lettuce picking worker, Iraq borders Pakistan, Ferragamo wearing, not elitist choice for President.

  24. I’m a half wit Mike and I have you beat.

  25. mike w. says:

    You’re so far below me intellectually DBB that you actually believe you “have me beat.” It’s funny, yet sad at the same time, kinda like your unabashed ignorance.

    It’s laughable coming from the guy who’s substantive counterarguments consist of “you’re wrong” with nothing to backup your assertions.

  26. all I need to know mike is that you think that a guy not knowing he has 7 homes isn’t elitist.

    and the one that “sounds snobby” is.

    you don’t know and can’t define what snobby is. You can define elitism as a way a guy talks, You know elitism isn’t when a guy spends $250k a year on a credit card. A guy spending more money than about 90% of the country makes in 0ne year.

    NOPE not elitist. He doesn’t talk snobby.

    keep thinking you got me beat little fella

  27. mike w. says:

    “keep thinking you got me beat little fella”

    I do, and I have 95% of the time since I started commenting here. Not that you’ve ever presented me with much of a challenge.

  28. Sharon says:

    Y’all’s comments are just more of the class envy prevalent in Democrat arguments. Yet the six richest Senators are Democrats, and 7 of the top 10 Congressmen are Democrats.

    Elitism and snobbishness aren’t about being rich. There are plenty of rich people who aren’t snobby. But Obama is a snob. He’s called Americans “bitter” because they are religious and believe in the right to own guns. He’s tried to argue in an academic sense for allowing babies to die from botched abortions. This week, he compared the allied invasion of Iraq to Russia attacking Georgia. When asked why he wanted to be president, he told a child that America “wasn’t what it used to be.”

    You may think these are assets, but most Americans want a presidential candidate to be proud of his country and talk about the inherent goodness of it. I know that sort of American exceptionalism makes you guys wanna vomit but, believe me, the people that vote don’t want a president who wants to tell the rest of the world how shitty and wrong we are all the time.

    What I find hilarious about the “OMG, the shoes!” discussion is that Obama isn’t a poor guy and his family ain’t shopping at the cost plus 10% grocery store. And, in fact, by Obama’s own standards, he hasn’t been middle class in over a decade. But I guess you have to distract from Obama’s glaring problems (including now Joe Biden–LOL great pick!).

  29. mike w. says:

    “You may think these are assets, but most Americans want a presidential candidate to be proud of his country and talk about the inherent goodness of it. I know that sort of American exceptionalism makes you guys wanna vomit but, believe me, the people that vote don’t want a president who wants to tell the rest of the world how shitty and wrong we are all the time.”

    Sharon, you just hit the nail on the head. I’ve been accused of Jingoism by some folks here because I am proud of this country and its underlying principles. You are right, American’s don’t like a guy who constantly tells them how screwed up we are and how we need to be more like Europe.

    And Biden…… what the hell was he thinking?

  30. jason330 says:

    Thank you jingoists. Your viewpoints are welcome. , but empty-headed flag waving is so 2001.

  31. anon says:

    Even Toby Keith has quit turned on the kind of “AMERICA LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!” rhetoric that Mike and Sharon confuse with patriotism.

  32. DPN says:

    John McCain: A Noun, A Verb, and POW.

  33. pandora says:

    If you want an excellent example of an elitist – someone who feels they are superior to everyone, always knows best and is always right, talks down to everyone because everyone but them is misguided or ignorant – look no further than Mike W.

  34. mike w. says:

    Yes Pandora, I hurt your widdle feelings when I prove you wrong or demand that you back up what you say. You don’t like that…. boo hoo.

  35. jason330 says:

    You have passed into clown territory.

  36. mike w. says:

    Well yeah Jason, I think DE Liberal qualifies as such.

    I’d like to quote something for Pandora that Dana said in the thread about banning commenters.

    “Assuming that you are referring to Mike W here, I’d say that he not only hasn’t crossed that line, but that he’s come nowhere close to it. He states his points forcefully, vigorously and persistantly, but those are the kind of commenters I want, and I’d think you would want as well.”

    If you don’t like my debate style tough luck

  37. Al Mascitti says:

    Mike and Sharon: I don’t doubt that your viewpoints about elitism are popular ones. I question very much whether they are wise ones. Which, I realize, makes me an elitist.

    Mike, I did not agree with your “time out.” By the same token, I don’t take away much of value by reading your predictable responses to DL’s liberal talking points. You might not be partisan, but you are quite doctrinaire in your responses. “Free thinking” is not the first term that would spring to mind.

  38. jason330 says:

    Okay, that was clever.

    However, when you say, ” I am proud of this country and its underlying principles. ”

    …and yet you support Bush & McCain – you identify yourself as a less than thoughtful commenter. In truth, you are a straight up partisan, and that is okay. Just don’t go around pretending that you are making debating points.

    You are just spinning. I think we can be honest about that.

  39. mike w. says:

    Al – I don’t see how that makes you elitist.

  40. pandora says:

    Then why are you here, Mike?

    And I, and am sure others, am sick to death of you claiming to be always right. Just like I’m sick of your condescending, elitist attitude. The truly hysterical thing about you is that you equate yourself with Steve Newton. Talk about delusional.

    And one other thing… most people who join the DL community, be they liberal, conservative, Independent, Libertarian, Democrat or Republican, develop some sort of civil relationship and a great sense of humor. You might want to ask yourself why you’ve failed to become part of this diverse blogging community.

    Oh, never mind, I just realized it’s because we all have reading comprehension problems.

  41. mike w. says:

    “…and yet you support Bush & McCain – you identify yourself as a less than thoughtful commenter. . Just don’t go around pretending that you are making debating points.

    You are just spinning. I think we can be honest about that.”

    I support Bush only when I feel you guys are being complete tools and blaming him for things that have nothing to do with him. I’ve done the same in defense of Obama (the lapel pin thing and the pledge….) I’ll be glad to see Bush out of office, I just DO NOT want Obama/Biden in office. My dislike for them doesn’t mean that I like Bush or McCain.

    I’ve debated you folks quite well and done so eloquently and am far from a “less than thoughtful commenter.” some of you don’t like me, I get it. I actually make coherent points DBB, you don’t even pretend to present actual counterarguments in what we would call “debate.”

    “The truly hysterical thing about you is that you equate yourself with Steve Newton. Talk about delusional.”

    You’re the one who did that, not me. And Pandora, why is it that you seem to be the one contributor here who consistently has a problem with me?

  42. cassandra_m says:

    And here we go again.

    What happened to Not Feeding The Trolls?

  43. mike w. says:

    Actually there’s one part of the above that’s not entirely true. There’s no one here who never makes coherent points.

    Cassandra – I don’t know. Ask Pandora. She was pissy because I was “all guns all the time” and “couldn’t” discuss other issues and now she’s still being pissy. If she has a problem with me then she does. She could just let it go.

  44. mike w. says:

    “Then why are you here, Mike?”

    Pandora – The better question is “Why does it bother you so much that I am?”

  45. mike w. says:

    Al – If DE Liberal is offering only “talking points” then they’re not exactly free-thinking are they?

  46. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh c’mon guys–we all like our air miles. Why pay cash? Maybe he donates his to the troops. It is his money though….