Biden: “I’m Not the Guy.”

Filed in National by on August 19, 2008


As Delaware Sen. Joe Biden left his home a few minutes ago, golf clubs in tow, he was asked where he was going to be on Saturday.

Biden replied, “Here” and pointed down to his driveway.

As he pulled out of the driveway in the driver’s seat of his car he then said to the press gathered near his gate, “You guys have better things to do.  I’m not the guy.”

Well, I give up.   I had clear indications from some sources that Biden was the guy.   Everything pointed to it in the last 36 hours.

So either this is yet another headfake, or the whole last two days have been.

Update: Link to the video.

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  1. pandora says:

    Aren’t you supposed to be going out? Go… relax… you deserve it.

    (BTW, I’m still thinking Clark.)

  2. FSP says:

    From Hotline:

    “”The Palmetto Scoop is reporting that VA officials were called to Richmond for a line-of-succession meeting with the state’s guv, an indication, perhaps, that Gov. Tim Kaine is Barack Obama’s pick:

    “The officials were mandated to leave an out-of-state conference and return to the state capitol in Richmond immediately.

    “Due to the confidential nature of the meeting, details are scarce but the source said that either Obama will choose Kaine, or Kaine was given the impression that he would be chosen.”

    Head fake? You decide.””

  3. delawaredem says:

    I am now convinced it is Hillary Clinton.

  4. liz allen says:

    I am now convinced or Caine or a real surprise!

    No change with Biden was a no brainer!

  5. Bob Cooper says:

    NYTimes is still saying Biden is on the short list. I think he’s still the guy.

    One thing, Obama has to get on the stick and start responding to McCain’s foreign policy attacks.


  6. pandora says:

    DD, I wouldn’t rule her out. The energy behind that ticket would be explosive.

  7. nemski says:

    Well as I heard someone once say, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

  8. Benjamin says:

    Can I say I told you so ?

    Noone knows. Thats why I didnt believe your sources or whatever journalists “assume” is likely.

    Biden COULD be the guy. But whoever it is may not have been told yet !

  9. delawaredem says:

    Bob, perhaps you have not been paying attention. Obama’s VFW speech was a pretty good response.

  10. pandora says:

    I thought the VFW speech was very good given the audience.

  11. Joe M says:

    “DD, I wouldn’t rule her out. The energy behind that ticket would be explosive.”

    So would be the inevitable bomb in Obama’s car…

  12. Benjamin says:

    Let me put it this way.

    I don’t want her on the ticket and I don’t believe in it for a second.

    That said, I would take her over Bayh anyday.

  13. Benjamin says:

    If you want an illustration of my earlier point of why it is silly to let the speculation go out of hand if Biden is the VP pick, here it is:

    If he was the Obama people would have rolled him out today or something. The more they let things get out of hand, the more time they leave for negatives to be aired so that if he announced it was Biden, all the oppo would be there for the journalists to pick up rather than allow for a few days of afterglow before the usual backlash.

    It it the same pattern every time – and that is why they are unveiling it so late. They are hoping that by the time the backlash comes (and once again there is ALWAYS a backlash) the convention then mcCain’s Vp then Mccain’s convention will dilute it and by the time the real campaign starts, it will all be settled.

    I stick by my theory that I doubt it is Biden.

  14. CalebsDad says:

    He’s not the guy . . . yet. I just don’t think he (Biden) knows. He may well doubt that he will be the guy. But if he had been told by the Obama camp that he was not the pick, I’m pretty sure he also would have been asked not to reveal that. And I can’t imagine that he would defy that request. Or maybe I’m just hoping . . . (also think it would be profoundly stupid of the Obama people to float this balloon — this ain’t Kerry-Gebhardt)

  15. Benjamin says:

    Another reason to think Sebelius is much more in the race than journalists assume.
    Check out that nasty attempt at pre-framing her on Drudge. Not even an article. Just a simple sentence.
    If that’s not a sign some people are worried he is going to pick her, I don’t know what is.

  16. Truth Teller says:

    Look the object of this game is to WIN

    And in order for Obama to win and put into motion all those changes you folks seem to like. Then the best choice for Obama VP is Hillary.

  17. Dana says:

    Sounds to me like everyone is trying to put misdirection into play, though it sounds like if It’s Mr Biden, he’s told an out-and-out lie in misdirection; not a good thing.

    But it can’t be Hillary Clinton: there’s tape of her telling people that she’s experienced enough to be president and John McCain is experienced enough to be president, but Barack Obama is not.

  18. Dana says:

    A limerick for you:

    Hill’ry Clinton said “I have no fears,
    ‘Bout the Illinois guy with the ears.
    Then that guy passed her by,
    And she started to cry,
    “It’s not fair,” she wailed through her tears.

  19. delawaredem says:

    Dana…..that assumes Biden knows he is the guy. Chuck Todd has stated that the Obama campaign has still not told the pick yet.

  20. delawaredem says:

    Hey Dana…

    If this right wing politics thing doesn’t work out, you got a future in Haikus.

  21. Joanne Christian says:

    As just a regular person, my guess would go w/ Hilary because of all the votes/enthusiasm she brings from the party—but a populous vote.

    However, as a Delawarean that travels, my vote would go w/ Biden, because it seems to be the only thing people know about Delaware–even before this whole presidential race. And these strangers kinda light up when they say his name–like Biden is some non-partisan pope of foreign policy….who emits this “Joe Six Pack” feeling of the favorite uncle, who makes all the games seem more fun….and sends all teams back, encouraged, and charged up to play fair.

    A tough choice for Barry Bammy–but I would choose Biden–the best overall package–all the Dems will come around anyway. Herr Hilary may hiss–but the party won’t strike. They want the big chair–and realize Biden gives them the credibility, that their presidential nomination doesn’t–AND it won’t just be an election of “firsts”–but a substantial candidate. The other choices you bring up are so distant to me–and just landscape. Like I brought up before..Rendell promises to deliver PA if Biden is in…Rendell is an incredible statesman, who served the Dems well in harsh times…his promise to do that, about seals it with me about what the country will do if Biden is chosen (bearing no release of Republican slate yet, mind you). It will be a tough act to follow if Obama chooses wisely……Will he choose wisely or woefully?

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    Biden is shrewd–He’s not the guy…He’s the MAN!!!