
Filed in National by on August 15, 2008

Why the F is no one freaking out that the first debate between McCain and Obama is in a FU’ing CHURCH?

ok so why isn’t anyone even freaking out that Obama is engaging this thing at a megachurch? Seems so wrong to me.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    It’s not a debate. It’s two sets of interviews done by a charlatan who preys on the weak-minded in order to keep his psycho wife in the lifestyle she’s accustomed to.

  2. Dana says:

    Why do you even care?

  3. delawaredem says:

    Because it is not a debate. It is a forum where Obama and McCain are basically making separate appearances, but will be onstage together for a brief minute.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    I heard someone on the radio today talk about the setup for this thing and apparently, whoever goes second will be kept in a soundproof room so they cannot hear what the other says — so they can’t respond to it.

  5. Joe M says:

    That seems very wierd to me. Isn’t it about time to start seeing actual debates, or does that normally start after the conventions?

    Remember, I’ve only been at this for a couple of years, so be nice. Or be mean, but answer my question!

  6. cassandra_m says:

    The real Presidential debates typically happen after the conventions and usually within 8 weeks or so of the election. But this Rick Warren thing is not a debate — it is more of a serial interview.

  7. delawaredem says:

    No problem Joe. Yes, the official debates happen after the conventions. Typically there are three presidential debates in late September and October. There is also one vice presidential debate. That is the way it has been since 1984.

    I think Reagan and Carter only debated once in 1980, Ford and Carter twice in 1976, and there were no debates in 1972, 1968, and 1964. The first debates were in 1960, with Kennedy and Nixon debating twice.

  8. Truth Teller says:

    Huffing Post reports that Puma is a Repuk front and that all this tension between Obama and Hillary is nothing but bullshit. the thing that pissed me of the most about this Repuk slime is the way many of you Obama supporters bought into it.

  9. Dana says:

    As far as I am concerned, the debates are really rather pointless. They don’t tell you much about what the candidates are really like, but only whether one of them can get in the zinger that devastates his opponent.

    What do debates measure, anyway? They measure command of information held in your brain, and the ability to think quickly in a pressure situation. Yet we expect presidents to take decisions with some time for reflection, and to have aides available to present him with whatever information he needs; that’s pretty much the exact opposite of debate conditions.

  10. Sharon says:

    Except that a person’s performance in a debate gives you insight into the way they approach problems. I don’t care much for the debates because no moderator approved by the Obama campaign will ask the questions I think he should be expected to answer.

  11. Andrew C. says:

    Yeah i think debates are immensely helpful, for me at least. I mean, of course i’ve already decided on for whom i am voting, but a lot of independents really listen hard and well on those debate nights. I look forward to them a lot, they’re fascinating. And since ABC got shut out of the debates (largely from their debacle earlier this year), i think you’re going to see some good questions by good moderators, likely fair for both sides.

    This church thing though… it’s silly and pointless, but to me, i think it’s an Obama win no matter what. He will be seen in a conservative Christian setting, giving answers that most of them will like (and clarifying that he is pro-choice and pro-family not pro-abortion), and give convincing arguments that he’s not going to be the Muslim anti-christ.

    Nevertheless, i cannot pass up the attempt to still point out the feebleness of religion on people’s lives and the ridiculous dependence that we as a country have on religion and spirituality… and unfortunately, events like this aren’t getting us anywhere closer to a true secular state.

  12. Quick Grits says:

    Ahh…donmeaty….still full of rage against God, eh?

  13. DJK says:

    They both are churchgoing people… why wouldn’t it be at a church? Churches have PA systems and lots of seats.

    I sure hope Jeremiah Wright is there…

  14. just against god’s children. get it right

  15. oh and it infecting my government

  16. anon. says:

    Bill Lee is using the House Chamber in Dover to hold a campaign meeting next Wednesday? Check into it.