Killing Democrats & Other “traitors”

Filed in National by on August 14, 2008

This 2005 post by David Neiwert was prescient.   

I’ve been talking for some time about the course that eliminationist rhetoric on the right would eventually take by the force of its own nature: pretty soon we’d go from talking about liberals as traitors to overtly wishing for violence to be visited upon them and discussing locking them up, followed in due course by such violence and incarceration becoming a reality. 

Neiwert succinctly describes how the Ann Coulters and Michael Savages fit into the picture.

Now, you won’t hear this talk on the upper levels of the conservative movement. People like William Bennett will call for a “national renewal” aimed at enforcing a new moral code, while Ann Coulter will explain to her readership, a la the title of her most recent “bestseller”, that the “preferable” way to address a liberal is with “a baseball bat.” [Ha ha. Whatsa matter, you don’t think that’s funny? Someone should beat you up.] 

And if you talk to supposedly “reasonable” conservatives, who will claim that talk like this remains relegated to the fringes and is just so much “hot talk.” I’ve been hearing this for a long time, but I keep hearing more and more of the eliminationist talk. 

You hear it when conservatives — especially those red-state cultural conservatives from the working class who are most likely to vote against their own self-interest, and then blame liberals for how lousy their lives are — get together among themselves for their communal liberal-bashing hatefests. They’ll say it when they think no one else is listening. You can hear it from “fringe” radio figures like Michael Savage. Or you can read it in the unpublished letters to the editor that most publications choose not to run. 

It will probably get worse at Obama continues to lead in the polls, and “cultural conservatives” feel more an more helpless and at odds with the mainstream of American thought. As Neiwert points out, violence is the natural result of the kind of rhetoric we’ve gotten from the national conservative punditry. Simmering with rage and comforted by their guns, the Republican underclass is inarticulate but increasingly willing to act out the violent fantasies that Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter have been pimping for the past ten years.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (41)

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  1. anon says:

    I’m thinking that a gang of us should all go to St Paul and dress up like conservatives, complete with Mitt Romney haircuts, to beat up McCain supporters in front of television cameras for not being conservative enough…

    Oh well, (still laughing at the sight of a gang of Mitt Romney clones beating up on octogenarians)… It should be dramatized on Saturday Night Live…..

    What’s wrong with you… don’t think that’s funny?

  2. Chris says:

    Ah. So we will continue to see the sanctimonious posters here at Delaware Liberal continue to harp on this supposed message of hate that the evil right wing talk show hosts are spreading.

    And yet, one would be hard pressed to find a single liberal poster on this site who has not fantasized at least once about something unfortunate, if not out and out violent, happening to members of the current administration, while driving their little boxy cars around plastered with bumper stickers clearly showing their disdain for the same. And then they come here and tell us how it is the RIGHT that is spreading the hate.

    Wake up. The left, particularly here, is among the most hateful wretches on this planet. I thought NJ was bad, until I moved to Delaware. The left here makes Jersey liberals look like mere school children.

    I wish no ill on liberals. I just have no wish for them to be making decisions on my behalf. In Delaware, I have no choice unfortunately. Perhaps someday I can help get that changed. Not through violence, but through the ballot box. I would say about a year and a half of President Obama will be all it will take to turn even true blue Delaware red.

  3. Brian says:

    Jason, my fear is that you are correct. I hope not, look here Delawareans, we must never allow our people to go down that road, we need to work for each other. Can we please do that? And look Chris, if you are sad about not living in New Jersey, please return. Delaware can handle its own affairs, and we will never use political violence to solve problems. We are better than that. We have been better than that for 375 years. Even during the civil war we were neutral. We do not like conflict, we like peace, prosperity and mutual benefit. That is the heritage of this state, so get with it. Our Quakers suffered a lot for those principles, but as long as we are a state, those principles should guide our leaders and our people.

  4. mike w. says:

    Chris – It’s Ironic isn’t it? They complain of the hate on the right, yet don’t even realize that they do EXACTLY that which they admonish the right for.

    Brian – Other than a few DE liberal folks who’s talking about using political violence against their opponents? It’s a good thing us gun owners don’t share the violence & hatred of many on this site. It has always amazed me just how intolerant and violent anti-gun folks can be.

  5. since when does being a liberal mean you are automatically a nice guy and can’t be a prick, then when you are a prick it goes against the grain.

    but, if you are conservative you can be a dick

  6. Chris says:

    “Tick-tock, tick-tock….”

    Oooh Mockery. Am I supposed to be scared or something? I already know how this election is going to go. The minute McCain got the nod for the Republicans it was over. Even if Al Franken got the Dem nod, we would still have a Dem President.

    McCain won because he let the better candidates brawl themselves while he stood by. Add to that a media that practically coronated McCain as the one man who could bring the country together, and unfortunately many of my fellow Republicans did not see through that. Of course it was no surprise that as soon as McCain got the nod the press turned on him like a wild pack of dogs. They knew McCain couldn’t win, which is why they pushed him so hard. They played a great game and they won.

    So unless McCain wakes up to it, and takes himself out of the running and let a real Republican take his place, Obama (or Hillary possibly) will be President.

    America has already lost.

  7. anon says:

    the press turned on him like a wild pack of dogs.

    Lapdogs, you mean.

  8. mike w. says:

    “since when does being a liberal mean you are automatically a nice guy and can’t be a prick, then when you are a prick it goes against the grain.

    but, if you are conservative you can be a dick”

    It doesn’t, but if you’re going to admonish your political opposition for spewing hatred you might not want to follow their lead. If you wish to differentiate yourselves from the hatred of the right it would do you good to lead by example rather than spewing hate from your own end of the political spectrum. In other words, take the high road. That’s something I think might be impossible for some folks here, given what I’ve seen in the last month. Hell, I first found this place because of the hate being spewed by it’s contributers. I engaged in political discourse and, unsurprisingly, was met with the same kind of hate I’d seen. You guys bash the hateful conservatives, but from my experience with the left here I can wholeheartedly say to you. Pot, meet kettle.

    Why is it acceptable for you to spout your own bigotry and hate but not OK for conservatives? Shouldn’t it be equally unacceptable when you guys do it. Lord knows I’ve seen you folks here do it more than I thought possible from compassionate, tolerant “progressives.”

  9. jason330 says:

    No comments here address the plain fact the right-wing has etsablished an ongoing, well-funded and highly organized media program of indoctrination which promotes violence agianst Democrats and liberal.

  10. Chris says:

    “the plain fact the right-wing has etsablished an ongoing, well-funded and highly organized media program of indoctrination”

    That comment is not any more substantiated than when we point out the main stream media is thorougly aligned with the left. People like Randi Rhodes, Al Franken, and even Alan Combs (more so before his Fox News days) spit out just as much hatred….lets not even mention Al Sharpton and his show.

    You’re only gripe is that they can’t garner as big of an audience. Why not? Well, talent for one. But mostly because people on the left are already getting their opinions heard everyday in news print. So the right has gravitated to talk radio.

    But you claims of “hate” are so off the mark is it laughable. Sure there are a few wildcats. Ann Coulter says outrageous things for the shock value, but I can assure you she is NOT taken seriously by those of us on the right. She is the rights Al Franken….only funny.

    Michael Savage has certainly gotten a bad, deservedly so, rap. But he falls more on the Libertarian line than conservative.

    But despite what you think, people like Hannity and Rush, are not spouting hate. In fact, just the opposite. Two weeks ago a gentleman called Hannity and said that he was Hispanic and that him and all his Hispanic friends were voting for McCain and against Obama, because “the blacks never lifted a finger for hispanics”. Hannity immediately chastised him. Said race cannot and SHOULD NOT EVER play a factor into whom you vote for. You simply look at your own views on issues, and compare them with the candidates’ opininions on issues. Vote for the one that most reflects your opinions. He said voting based on race was just plan stupid. WHOA!!! CAN YOU FEEL THE RACIST HATRED?!?!!

  11. jason330 says:

    But you claims of “hate” are so off the mark is it laughable. Sure there are a few wildcats.

    Thank you.

  12. Chris says:

    “But you claims of “hate” are so off the mark is it laughable. Sure there are a few wildcats.

    Thank you.”

    Typical lib. Read just what you want. Miss the part where I said they were not typical…nor a “well-funded and highly organized”?

    Come on Jacey boy, you are a better debater than that. I also seem to miss the part wehere you deny the left doing it too. Guess I will take that as a tacet admission that I was correct.

  13. jason330 says:

    Ow…the irony of that comment burns. The whole post was about how those “wildcats” are an important part of the whole scheme.

    Anyhoo, don’t shoot the messenger.
    . Don’t shoot. I have a family.

  14. jason330 says:

    BTW –

    Is this the old Chris? How goes it in Cali?

  15. It doesn’t, but if you’re going to admonish your political opposition for spewing hatred you might not want to follow their lead

    OHHHH, see that is where our disconnect is.

    I admonish the opposition for being hypocritical.

    now that we have that understanding.

    welcome back prick

  16. I’ve seen your family jason, they’d do ok with out you. to be honest, I think you hired that lady and her 2 kids for a few hours I met at the BBq

  17. Mockery says:

    Maybe you should try the same rental agency!

  18. anon says:

    those “wildcats” are an important part of the whole scheme.

    Every fringe hangs from a fabric of the same color.

  19. Linoge says:

    Crap on a crutch… you all just never tire of blaming anyone except the actual perpetrators, do you? What is so very wrong, at least in your perspectives, about laying the blame squarely at the feet of those people who pulled the trigger / pushed the knife / blew the explosives / etc.? No wonder people like you all have such a weak grasp on the rest of reality around you… when you do not understand the very concept of individuality and free will, the rest of the whole equation kind of falls apart.

    Yes, some people have said some pretty incendiary and vitriolic things of other people on the other side of the political fence… any other side – the attacks most certainly go all ways, and denying that just shows another reality disconnect on your parts. However, the second someone goes from listening to those comments, to actively and violently perpetrating an attack on another person… that required a conscious and engaged decision on the part of the attacker. And the second the attacker makes that decision, he or she takes full responsibility and accountability for that decision. Period. This simply is not up for debate.

    Do I dislike that some people make a living thrashing and verbally assaulting other individuals and groups? Honestly, yeah, I do – it is not an appropriate tactic for any political organization (and they all do it – no doubts about that either) to engage in. But blaming the words of one person for the actions of another? That is not only stupid, it is borderline insane.

    Of course, I suppose this perpetual avoidance of personal responsiblity somehow excuses most of the “contributors” here from being complete and utter morons… must have been your parents’/educators’/mentors’/etc.’s fault, right?

  20. jason330 says:

    It is called “context” look it up.

  21. donviti says:

    you all just never tire of blaming anyone except the actual perpetrators, do you?

    we usually blame the victim…but since he is dead we are moving on to another illogical target

  22. donviti says:

    But blaming the words of one person for the actions of another?

    man, nugget after nugget you produce is pure gold!

  23. Bob Costas says:

    These wingnuts are amazing. When Edwards fucks some woman it is not a simple fuck, but a symptom of what is wrong with society because of the decline in morals brought about by Bill Clinton, gay marriage, the lack of prayer in public schools and abortion.

    When a wingnut shoots somebody it occurs in a perfect vacuum.

  24. mike w. says:

    Jason – nice response to Linoge’s post, in which you do not address a single thing he said. Typical.

    And Linoge – yeah, they’ll blame guns, conservatives, god, the weather, anyone but the man ultimately responsible for his own actions. Individual liberty demands individual responsibility. It’s no surprise that folks on the left here are opposed to both.

  25. jason330 says:

    Jason – nice response to Linoge’s post


  26. donviti says:

    hey jason…

    if I don’t have a gun…can I still shoot you.

    fyi: rhetorical question.

    oh and great post by the way, you are the greatest. I love you, will you be my new friend? the next time you say something whimsical I plan on telling you hwo wonderful you are…

    your new bestest blogging buddy

    formerly DHB

  27. mike w. says:

    “if I don’t have a gun…can I still shoot you?”

    Sure DV – plenty of projectile weapons will do the trick.

  28. Chris says:

    “BTW –

    Is this the old Chris? How goes it in Cali?

    Same old Chris. Still in Newark. Would not be caught dead in California.

  29. jason330 says:

    Okee Dokey.

  30. MissAO says:

    I replied, but did not want to hijack your post. Feel free to stop by.

  31. mike w. says:

    Jason – Why do so many of your comments express concern that someone might shoot you? Are you reallly that paranoid?

  32. how noble of you. Instead leach onto our readers to draw them to your site.

  33. jason330 says:

    AO –

    thanks for not hijacking the thread with your assertion that liberal “pie throwing” and “keying cars” is somehow equal in scope to these shootings.

    PS. Having visited your blog, and I have to take a shower now. Thanks.

  34. take MIKE PLEASE!

    hey mike, look! a new blog…


  35. mike w. says:

    Actually DTB, I have read and commented on Miss AO’s blog in the past.

    And yes, I know you don’t like me. Tough shit. Get over it.

  36. I do like you Mike. You are a source of amusment for me.

  37. mike w. says:

    Likewise DTB – You are amusing, even if your ignorance makes me sad.

  38. Brian says:

    “Brian – Other than a few DE liberal folks who’s talking about using political violence against their opponents? It’s a good thing us gun owners don’t share the violence & hatred of many on this site. It has always amazed me just how intolerant and violent anti-gun folks can be.”

    Mike I am Quaker…I think we need to promote a peaceful way to deal with politics and state management all over the world. The state exists for the individual and the indiviual and state have a compact like the states have a compact to be part of a united states; the state has to be based on peace otherwise the nature of human social interactions gets messed up and violence is the result.

    I am confident that history is going to bear me out on that one.

    We have serious problem sto address together and we must be united around the priciples, innovation, and tolerance that made the enlightened parts of this state enlightened. We need science, creativity and intelligence from everyone involved in this state to save our skins with inflation as high as it is, and with energy shortages looming.

    Look, older folks get it together for us young folks so we have a shot a decent life. No pun intended.