Elizabeth Edwards posts on Daily Kos.

Filed in National by on August 8, 2008


As I wrote to her in the comments,I am in awe at her perrsonal inner courage.  To have gone through all she has gone through in life, from the death of a child to cancer to this and God knows what other personal obstacles, Elizabeth Edwards is truly a role model to us all.

I have already today expressed my profound anger and disappointment in John, but I will of course respect her wishes going forward.

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  1. benjamin says:

    I second what you said but I would suggest to the Edwards that if they want this story to go away, they would do well not to drip-drip-drip statements and revelations every two hours as they have today.
    Say it all at once, say “I said all I had to say and we are done” as he supposedly did in the first interview and move on.
    This is looking more and more like a PR rollout rather than a honest confession.

    But all my thoughts go to Jack and Emma.

  2. Dana says:

    Some of the commenters on the Lost Kos are giving them hell:

    I donated and campaigned for John Edwards. Imagine if he was our party’s nominee. Making the decision to keep this secret and run for the democratic nominee is inexcusable. He could have completely sunk our chances at a time when we so desperately need a democratic president. I’m mad as hell! It would have been a private matter had he not gone ahead and run for the dem. nominee. I can’t begin to tell you how upset I am. He could have admitted it up front and ran with it out in the open, but to run, hiding this, is inexcusable. I adored John and Elizabeth but this surely shows I was wrong, they put their own political amibitions ahead of our party and worse made our party seem as seedy as the republicans and made me doubt my own judgement.

    After Donna Rice, after Gennifer Flowers, after Monica Lewinsky, how can any politician ever think he can get away with this stuff?

    The Lewinsky story gives us the lesson: it was just the two of them, in a private room, with no witnesses and no reporters having access, and it still couldn’t be kept a secret.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Best wishes to Elizabeth and the rest of the Edwards family during this trying time. I agree with what Dana said above – John Edwards’s lying and obfuscation no doubt made matters worse by dragging this out in the media. I still can’t believe he ran for president with this time bomb waiting to explode at the exact wrong moment.

  4. Merkin says:

    UI: “I still can’t believe he ran for president with this time bomb waiting to explode at the exact wrong moment.”

    When are you going to get it? This is what you guys are…..ticking time bombs.

    Biden may have called Obama clean, but you’re a nitwit if you think it’s true.

  5. Art Downs says:

    The ‘love child’ is being attributed to a campaign aide. Was this a hint of ‘time sharing’ or was there a more salacious menage a trois going on with the lady, the former Senator, and the staffer?

    While the Kennedy boys may have passed some girl toys around, this was a family thing and aristocrats never let base-born underlings share in their sacred ritual of jus primus noctis. Perhaps Edwards was attempting to polish up his thinning populist image with such a sharing.

    This would be fodder for the supermarket tabloids.

    There is something about the exchange of money. Who paid hush money? What did the woman do that was worth them money paid for alleged services by the Edwards campaign?

    Enquiring minds may want to know.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Yes. With Democrats it matters if they lie. With Republicans it is kinds expected that they lie and chest on their wives so it doesn’t make the news.

    Just look at McCain and his first marriage as a classic example.

    Side note: speaking of liars, if you are a conservative and you support Dick Cheney, you are no American.

  7. liz allen says:

    Elizabeth Edwards is a real gem. I also donated a few bucks to John Edwards and believed in his ability to bring universal health care and rule of law back to us.

    Men are men and there is none among you men who would’nt have tried to cover up this mess!

    Of course this ruins any chance of Edwards being in Obama’s cabinet, what a fool!

    Goes to show the “little head overrules the big head”, which is why we need more women in positions of power.

  8. Goes to show the “little head overrules the big head”, which is why we need more women in positions of power

    so you are implying that women don’t cheat?

  9. Merkin says:

    What??? Women don’t cheat?

  10. Merkin says:

    OMG, I just echoed with DV.

    Ewwwwwww!!!! Wash it off!! Wash it off!!!!

  11. miscreant says:

    “Men are men and there is none among you men who would’nt have tried to cover up this mess!”

    Your “men are men” attitude is amusing in this case. I wonder if you gave Gingrich the same pass.

    “…which is why we need more women in positions of power.”

    Amen, Liz. And they were all like you, nobody would be getting boned on the side.

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t see why this would hurt Elizabeth’s chances to be in Obama’s cabinet.

    Yeah, I’m a bit amused that lying about sex is way worse than lying about weapons of mass destruction or forging documents to go to war, according to Republicans. Unless, of course, it’s David Vitter visiting prostitutes, then it’s ok. If cheating on one’s wife is so important to Republicans, why does McCain get a free pass on his admitted multiple affairs while married to his first wife?

    Let me go on the record here – I don’t appreciate being lied to by any politician no matter what the subject or the party of the politician. I don’t think having an affair disqualifies someone from holding office, it really is a private matter between the husband and wife. The problem I have with Edwards is that he was carrying on this affair while he was running for president. That is really showing bad judgment and a lack of self control, IMO.

  13. Sharon says:

    Ok, here’s the difference between WMDs and affairs. The first case is a dispute about the truth of WMDs. There were lots of people for a decade who believed Saddam Hussein was a loose cannon who had WMDs or was attempting to get them. You can argue (and do) that the Bush administration “lied,” but, in that sense, what is the truth is easily disputed.

    John Edwards affair is different. In order to have it, he indisputably lied at least to his wife and quite possibly to a host of other people so he could have it both ways. On top of that, he has been considered a major player in Democrat politics for years, and used his wife’s illness to help prop up his campaign. And he never would have confessed that he was a cheat if it hadn’t been for the National Enquirer’s persistence in pursuing this story.

    Now, we have Edwards possibly lying again about when the affair occurred. It just doesn’t pass the smell test that he had an affair in 2006 but visits the same woman at 2:30 a.m. in 2008 if there isn’t more to the story than he’s telling. The fact that he’s still not being honest drives this story.

    Now, about John McCain’s affair(s). Unlike John Edwards, John McCain admitted to having at least one affair and possibly more during his first marriage which ended 30 years ago. He wrote in his own book that it was his fault and that he took full responsibility for it. And, btw, I’m sure dropping his first wife did, in fact, hurt his career, since, with his credentials, he should have been an easy choice for GOP VP or presidential material 20 years ago. But Ronald and Nancy Reagan shunned him after he left his wife. So, there was no “free pass” regarding his indiscretions.

    Liberals make a big deal about the “it’s nobody’s business but him and his wife” argument, but they know inside that that isn’t true. It’s not merely the hypocrisy of someone preaching family values and getting caught with a prostitute. It’s not the legality of toe-tapping in an airport bathroom. It’s that infidelity and sex scandals coarsen discourse and affects the way all people end up looking at marriage and faithfulness as quaint institutions.

  14. Dana says:

    It’s less the adultery than it is the judgement John Edwards has demonstrated. The man was contemplating running for President of the United States, something that would invade every little bit of privacy he had, and yet he decided that it was somehow a smart move to hop into bed with the help?

    All it took was Monica Lewinsky flashing her thong to Bill Clinton, and his organ of thought, consideration and judgement fell about three feet. He didn’t know who this woman was; she could have been a plant by the Israelis or the Russians or the French, for all he knew. Even though Miss Lewinsky was apparently nobody’s agent, a few trysts between them, witnessed by no one, in situations where there couldn’t be reporters trailing them, and the secret still couldn’t be kept, because Miss Lewinsky couldn’t keep her big mouth shut — so to speak. At the very least, Mr Clinton lost a whole year of his presidency to garbage.

    And now Mr Edwards has demonstrated that he, too, can let gravity seize his organ of judgement, and bring it closer to the floor. Why would anyone trust him as president, knowing that if some cute young thing flashes her thong at him, we could have the Lewinsky mess all over again.

  15. mike w. says:

    “Men are men and there is none among you men who would’nt have tried to cover up this mess!”

    So it’s OK to be sexist against men, but not the other way around?

  16. mike w. says:

    “Side note: speaking of liars, if you are a conservative and you support Dick Cheney, you are no American.”

    Pretty bold (and meaningless) statement Jason.

    “If you’re a liberal and you support Obama, you’re no American.” – See, I can do it too! He lies, therefore, if you support him you’re not an American. Pretty ridiculous statement regardless of what name you plug in.

  17. miscreant says:

    Looks like Ms. Hunter has decided to take a pass on the DNA test.

    I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

  18. snark says:

    Ms Hunter made herself utterly seductive to John Edwards:

    Rielle tied a flashing red emergency light to her head, had the word “Ambulance” tatooed on her lower back, and promised to wail like a siren!

  19. snark says:

    To see the You Tube video of the Father of the Year Award to Edwards, click below. Remember, his mistress was already pregnant and getting $15K per month from this crooked shyster.
