Copeland’s Alternative Reality.

Filed in National by on August 8, 2008

The Denn-Copeland fight is on.

Copeland says he supports drilling off our own shore.  And no, he did not just only say “nothing is off the table.”  Copeland knows precisely where he wants to dirty our waters:

Copeland said at the event that the drilling would have to take place more than 15 miles offshore to avoid the shipping channel, and since no exploration had been done in that area, it would take years before it could be possible.

Denn attacks him for his stance on Our-Shore Drilling (yes, I am proud of that one), saying offshore drilling in Delaware would be detrimental to tourism and the environment, and should never be an option. He said he supports some expanded offshore drilling, but only in areas that have already been considered, not off Delaware’s coast.

Denn went on to say that Copeland opposed the Bluewater Wind offshore wind power project, which is true.

But in Copeland’s disturbed mind, it is false.  Why?   Because after all his obstruction and opposition, he says he voted in favor of the Bluewater Wind agreement in June that passed both chambers of the Legislature unanimously.

And now Copeland is saying Denn is “fabricating” information about his opposition.

Copeland is saying Denn “reads too many blogs.”

Except I wager that we on the blogs know more about the Bluewater wind deal than Mr. Copeland does.   And Mr. Copeland was an obstructor, not a facilitator.

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  1. FSP says:

    So he wants to consider drilling WAY offshore as a means to help us wean ourselves from foreign oil, doing so many years from now, and ONLY if scientific exploration determines there is oil to be found off our shores.

    Radical extremist.

  2. pandora says:

    I’m sorry, could someone explain why Copeland thinks drilling off the Delaware coast would be embraced by Delaware voters?

    Off shore drilling? I’m not denying there’s support for that, but I’d bet the NIMBY sentiment is stronger.

  3. anon says:

    It’s a nice validation to hear the blogs are getting under his skin.

  4. FSP says:

    It wasn’t a proposal, Pandora. He just said he wouldn’t rule it out, meaning if someone had a good proposal, and there was scientific proof that it would be productive and environmentally safe, he would consider it.

    It’s really not that radical at all. Copeland is not comfortable with people’s pain at the pump and he wants to help, if it can be done under safe, productive and reliable circumstances.

  5. Jason330 says:

    God how I hope Copeland keeps talking about drilling off Rehoboth. Can you say debacle?

  6. Philo says:

    “Copeland is saying Denn “reads too many blogs.””

    Hahaha. That’s classic. About time somebody pooped on this medium.

    “”Except I wager that we on the blogs know more about the Bluewater wind deal than Mr. Copeland does. “”

    I’ll wager you’re the only folks who can teabag yourselves!

    C’mon….we need a grown up name in the LG spot.

    “Matt Denn” sounds like the fat kid in grade school who carried the comb in his back pocket and smelled like rancid lunch meat.

  7. pandora says:

    Understood, not a proposal, but surely not a position that would win DE votes. Guess I’m wondering why he would float an idea (and one not likely to come to fruition) that, imo, would do more harm than good to his campaign.

    I can understand him championing off shore drilling, but by specifically targeting the DE coast remains a mystery to me.

  8. Philo says:

    Off shore drilling in Delaware is great, but many years away. First we have to learn where Don Viti and Jason barely scrape together enough cash to buy a beach house. Then that’s where we’ll plop a little Exxon bungalow…right out the kitchen window.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Also I’m looking forward to Copeland’s financial filings. Who wants to bet we’ll hundreds of reasons why he obstructed the wind deal and is now pushing for drilling platforms within view of Rehoboth?

  10. anon says:

    “Matt Denn” sounds like the fat kid in grade school…

    A one-on-one debate will quickly clear up your mis-impression.

  11. anon says:

    now pushing for drilling platforms within view of Rehoboth?

    Correction: they will be out of view, but will be within 48 hours ooze time.

  12. Jason330 says:

    Picture: a beach black with crude oil.
    Voice over: Charles Dupont Copeland thinks big oil companies that are already making billions of dollars in profit and getting billions ofdollars in Bush tax breaks need to be able to drill for oil off the coast of Delaware.


    What a home run issue for Denn. I’m loving Charlie all of a sudden.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    I love it when REpublicans, who fought off better CAFE standards for years, suddenly talk about “pain at the pump” and insist the cure for it is drilling for more oil. “If we had opened ANWAR 10 years ago…” is their cry.

    Yeah, and if Republicans had agreed to better CAFE standards 10 years ago, we wouldn’t be faced with both high gas prices and a bankrupt auto industry today.

    Please, forget those facts while the GOP pretends to feel your “pain at the pump.” What they actually feel is the strain of trying to squeeze out an enormous load of bullcrap.

  14. Jason330 says:


    Bravo. (and comment was from a guy who kinda likes Copeland)

  15. logic has no place here Al


    (this can easily be removed with a 1 hour commitement to have me cohost)

  16. I love this idea. I think we should push for off shore drilling. Let’s see how many of the Green Retired GOP Duponters go ape shit when it is their state that wants oil rigs.

    NIMBY baby, works like a charm.

  17. TommyWonk says:

    Sorry Charlie, but we’re talking about the biggest issue of the last two years. You can hardly expect that your public actions and statements opposing the Bluewater Wind project could somehow just fade from the public record.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Copeland, like McCain and Castle, has never used the google.

  19. anon says:

    Can’t we just run the windmills in reverse and blow the oil slick out to sea?

  20. TRUTH TELLER says:

    I’ll bet Copeland doesn’t know that America’s oil from the north slope goes to Asia and Japan not one drop here at home.
    And I’ll bet you could see the oil rigs from the top of the tallest Hotel along the Delaware and Maryland shore line.

  21. FSP says:

    Copeland’s full quote from the press conference in question:

    He stated, “We certainly don’t want to take anything off the table. But let’s focus on the availability and the benefits that Delaware has for our energy future today. Which is a wind farm; which is the GE solar plant in New Castle County; which is the University of Delaware’s participation in the DARPA solar research project; which is the 150 researches looking into hydrogen futures; and so those are the areas we really ought to be focusing on in Delaware and let the oil and gas industry figure that out over the next decade or so.”

  22. Did Copeland funnel that quote to you?

  23. Jason330 says:

    Then Denn was 100 % right to say that drilling off Rehoboth should be off the table.

    The more Copeland tries to get out of this the more he looks like a crude oil covered osprey flopping around on a sticky black beach.

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    Wow, you guys have definitely lifted only a sound byte on Copeland—especially on the BWW–all you reported was opposition–not his reasoning behind the initial resistance—gee, remember the initial plan would have stuck the burden of finance on the most marginalized lower income folks, because of the limited outtage and targeted delivery. The revised plan is much more doable and spreads the encumberance to a greater base of customers. Now why doesn’t anyone give him credit for that? But no–you demonize the initial hesitation, run with it, shift the sentiment to he’s against wind alternatives, instead of giving him props for saying “not so fast–who and how is this impacting…”. We ended up w/ a much more palatable and fiscally responsible solution, so why all the rotten tomatoes?

  25. FSP says:

    “Did Copeland funnel that quote to you?”

    Press release.

  26. kavips says:

    It would be helpful to remind ourselves why off shore drilling was originally taken off the table.

    We have been blessed over many years, so perhaps memories have faded, or perhaps some out there have no recollection skills at all.

    One item not yet mentioned in this thread is how it is always predictable that Copeland will always associate himself with a large bankroll on the wrong side of public opinion, and take its side.


  27. kavips says:

    Here’s the full text:

    September 12, 2007

    The Honorable Russell Larson
    Controller General
    Legislative Hall
    P.O. Box 1401
    Dover, DE 19903

    Dear Controller General Larson:

    WHEREAS, in the matter of the negotiation for a long-term power purchase agreement, per PSC Order 7199, the four State agencies are to authorize the final decision which must be unanimous among the four agencies; and
    WHEREAS, the Controller General is to represent the General Assembly in this matter; and
    WHEREAS, these negotiations have been conducted under cloak of a gag order; and
    WHEREAS, the General Assembly should be afforded full access to the facts affecting the negotiations before rendering its final decision; and
    WHEREAS, new information not available at the time of consideration of HB 6 (EURCSA) and/or at the issuance of the RFP which led to PSC Order 7199 may be relevant to the final decision of the General Assembly; and
    WHEREAS, the decision may involve billions of dollars of ratepayer and public monies which may require a substantial rate increase for which the General Assembly may be held accountable;
    BE IT RESOLVED that the General Assembly should know the full implications of its vote before, not after, such vote is cast by the Controller General; and
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we the undersigned are of the considered opinion that before you cast a final vote binding the GENERAL ASSEMBLY, you are obligated to return to the GENERAL ASSEMBLY for instructions as to how the GENERAL ASSEMBLY wishes to vote on the matter in question.

    Harris B. McDowell, III
    State Senate, 1st District
    Robert L. Venables
    State Senate, 21st District
    Charles L. Copeland
    State Senate, 4th District
    Gregory F. Lavelle
    State Representative, 11th District
    Gerald W. Hocker
    State Representative, 38th District
    Hazel D. Plant
    State Representative, 2nd District

    Translated this means: Delmarva is not getting a fair shake from the blogs, media outlets, or the PSC, and we order you to vote no so we can dismantle this deal in the legislature.

    Signed Charlie Copelsnd.

  28. Tom S says:

    As per NIMBY

    The dude is running to be the Lt. Governor of Delaware – would it make any sense for him to be talking about oil exploration anyplace besides Delaware? Regardless of what he thinks of other states he only has the ability to influence things in Delaware.

    He is talking about the possibility of exploration 15 miles out – if windmills 12 miles out won’t bother anyone why would an oil rig 15 miles out?

  29. kavips says:

    Actually the above comment would be more relevant vis a vis Charlie’s comments posted in the Delawareonline article, linked to at the top of the post.

    Obviously he thought no one would remember……

  30. tom,

    an oil rig vs a wind mill? are you kidding? You think the people down in Rehoboth are going to support that?

    you are crazy.

  31. kavips says:

    Tom S.

    Obviously living in a City on the Hill you are unaware of life on the shore.

    Click the link in the second comment directly above yours, to get a clear answer to your question. If you ask politely, the controllers of this blog may delete your last comment so you are not totally embarrassed for perpetuity……

  32. kavips says:

    (Note: you have a comment in moderation…)