Credit Where Credit is Due.

Filed in National by on July 31, 2008

I criticized the News Journal this morning for what I thought was a deceptive story and a deceptive presentation on the front page and on the website concerning Lee’s presence at the debate last night.   And Jason has criticized their reporting of Adgate as compared to Delaware State News’ coverage.  

If we are going to criticize when they deserve it, we must also give credit where they deserve it. 

Their editorial on Adgate this morning nails John Daniello for his hypocrisy.   

Mr. Markell is correct.   State party chairman John Daniello ought to knock it off.

There’s irony in this. Mr. Daniello himself was a candidate in the first statewide Democratic primary in 1970 — for U.S. House — after the party stopped choosing candidates by convention. No state party money was given to Mr. Daniello or his opponent, Samuel Shipley, but there was still plenty of bitterness after the race.

To be sure, if Markell is elected, I expect John Daniello and all of his proteges in the party establishment to be fired.   The spending of $25,000 to prop up Carney can be considered nothing less than political malpractice, especially when the money is needed on downticket races we need to win if we are to take back the House.  


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  1. Absolutely astonishing. Do they realize that $25,000 could be spread among three candidates for the House and be used quite effectively? A House candidate doesn’t need much to run a good race and that $25,000 would definitely be a huge help.

  2. jason330 says:

    You beat me to it Mike. This is absurd on so many levels. You have to wonder if itwas not a panick move.

  3. What the HIGH Dems (using Nancy’s term) have done is taken a risky gamble they should have never attempted. If they simply stayed out of this and Markell wins, then Markell would likely be forgiving to their bullshit. Now that Daniello and his thugs have gotten involved, I sure as hell hope Markell doesn’t give those bitches an inch should he win in September.

  4. PBaumbach says:

    I hate to post a question (rather than a fact or strong opinion), for fear of being blasted. But here goes…

    Isn’t Daniello elected (at a party convention) rather than appointed? If/when Markell wins, will he be in a position to ‘fire Daniello’?

    I had thought that what is needed is for moderates/progressives to run for delegate to the state convention, with an identified moderate/progressive candidate to run for state party chairperson. Granted, a sympathetic governor can help in this regard, but isn’t it overstating it to say that Jack would be able to ‘fire the staff’?

    Based on Sam Latham’s staunch support of Daniello’s bid at the April state convention to chair the national convention delegation, I think that even with a Markell victory, there is much work to be done to unseat Daniello.

  5. anon says:

    The problem is, the old guard dems know if Markell wins they’re done. That’s why they are using every penny and every tactic to keep the old guard in power by electing Carney. If they lose, there goes their money, influence and, probably for some of them, a government that keeps them out of jail.

  6. Steve Newton says:

    And this is a compelling reason to retain Democratic control of the Governor’s mansion (especially if Carney wins the primary), why?