Let’s Arrest The Crooks Ourselves!

Filed in National by on July 30, 2008

Over at the Huffington Post there is an article about using citizens arrest to capture Karl Rove, Harriet Meirs or John Bolton. This is intriguing.  I wonder if we could turn the Delaware beaches into a bastion for apprehending criminals.

And before any of you start saying that it is not within our rights to arrest people for crimes in another state or on federal charges, remember that this is essentially what we did in Iraq, by enforcing UN resolutions with out the UN’s authorization.  I gotta go get a gun.

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Oh no, a post with the word “gun” in it.

    Gun Nuts arrive in




  2. mike w. says:

    Good luck trying to perform a citizens arrest on a politician or other public figure who isn’t physically harming or threatening you or someone else at the time you try to arrest them.

    Go ahead. run up to a high ranking gov. official and pull a gun on them. We won’t be seeing you again for a while if you do.

  3. Tom S says:

    “And before any of you start saying that it is not within our rights to arrest people for crimes in another state or on federal charges, remember that this is essentially what we did in Iraq, by enforcing UN resolutions with out the UN’s authorization. ”

    and the key word there is?


  4. cassandra m says:

    Why get a gun? I’m think thinking that tasering some of these criminals might be WAY more fun.

  5. JohnnyX says:

    “Go ahead. run up to a high ranking gov. official and pull a gun on them. We won’t be seeing you again for a while if you do.”

    Dude…mike…it’s a joke. Come on, man, lighten up! Wassamatta, gun barrel up your butt?

    (disclaimer: I’m just trying to get a rise out of you – don’t shoot!)

  6. mike w. says:

    Either way, you’ll still end up arrested or shot if you try.

    And Johnny – I’m just addressing what’ll happen if anyone were actually dumb enough to try this with ANY type of weapon.

  7. I hope L Geek isn’t ‘going somewhere’ just for having written on his blog post the words
    arrest Rove + gotta go get a gun
    too close together.

  8. delawaredem says:

    Karl Rove is not a government official. He resigned in disgrace, as all Bush Administration officials do.

  9. we could sick the dewey beach rent-a-cops on them. Those guys love to arrest people

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    I love how Mike gets very serious about this shit.

    Go ahead and try it. We won’t be seeing you for a while. You might get shot if you do.

    Man, you are an incredible asshole.

  11. mike w. says:

    Man you’re weird dude. You consider me an “incredible asshole” for THAT comment?…..

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    No, for your entire body of work.

    You have a blog about shooting guns and I’m weird. I’m eccentric, unconventional and unique. You are a cliché … which to me is an asshole.

  13. J. Lyman says:

    Jesus, I’ll collapse with joy if this devolves into another gun debate. Here, I’ll start. Gun girls are trashy.


  14. Pandora says:

    Instigator! 🙂

  15. mike w. says:

    “No, for your entire body of work.

    You have a blog about shooting guns and I’m weird. ”

    Interesting how your mind works. I’m “weird” and an asshole for no reason other than that I blog about icky things that you don’t like.

  16. Truth Teller says:

    For Christ sake Mike lighten up!!!!!