Insurance Company Rules

Filed in National by on July 21, 2008


I think some of these rules work for wingnut talk tadio too.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (3)

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  1. Art Downs says:

    I spoke with ‘Big Guy’ Brady re some insurance company scams used to rip off consumers with a series of ‘gotcha’ games that use arcane criteria to up your rates based on credit reports.

    He did seem interested and he is not in bed with the companies. A campaign donation check will be in the mail.

    Note that rate hikes are not based on ‘roach status’ but can zap people with a credit score in the 800 neighborhood

  2. jason330 says:

    Awesome video. The truth of it made me stop laughing half way through.

    The Ins Com. job really does need someone who is willing to fight the insurance companies when they try the inevitable shit they will try.

    I just don;t think Reed is that guy with his list of donors.

  3. David says:

    Funny video.

    The Ins. Commish is not there to fight Insurance companies but regulate the industry.