I don’t and never will buy bottled water

Filed in National by on June 30, 2008

It’s a complete waste. If you stop to think about it buying a 20oz soda for a $1.45 is a rip off when you can buy a 2ltr for $1.50 at the grocery store. It is freaking beyond me how people are so freaking gullible as to buy tap water in a freeking bottle. 

Water buying moron 1 “Ohhhh but my water is distilled using special copper pots that are heated with the bones of dead goats that were blessed by a Rabbi that was a holocaust survivor and once dined with Moses.”

Water buying moron 2 “Hah!  That is nothing, I get my water from a magical land overseas that only 2 people ever visited, EVER.  They poor the water over naked nymphs that are genetically modified to filter the water with their pubic hair.  The water is then bottled in a triangular bottle that was created by an a German Engineer.  When you tip the bottle into your mouth, Hans Didlemyburger mathmatically calculated a way that allows the proper amount of O2 to penetrate your nose.  This brings out the smoothness in the water while allowing your palet to feel as though you are tasting snozberries…..”

What’s Colorless and Tasteless And Smells Like . . . Money?

But empirical tests have repeatedly shown that they are generally the same. In blind taste tests, many people who swear they can differentiate between bottled-water brands and tap water fail to spot the differences, and studies have shown that both are fine to drink, and both occasionally can have quality problems.

Desalinated seawater from Hawaii, meanwhile, is being sold as “concentrated water” — at $33.50 for a two-ounce bottle. Like any concentrated beverage, it is supposed to be diluted before drinking, except that in this case, that means adding water to . . . water.

The push to turn water into the new wine is a marketing phenomenon: The bottled-water industry is engaged in an intense effort to convince Americans that the stuff in bottles is substantially different from the stuff out of the tap.


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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    And in the 70s morons people bought rocks as pets!

  2. jason330 says:

    think about it buying a 20oz soda for a $1.45 is a rip off when you can buy a 2ltr for $1.50 at the grocery store.

    That’s a false economy. 20 oz. of soda is bad for you – 2 liters will kill you.

  3. but the kids drinking it on TV look like they are having fun

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Penn and Teller’s “Bullshit” show did a great debunking of the bottled water taste issue.


  5. Dana says:

    Nonsense, Jason: For good health you should drink at least four 12 oz cans of Mountain Dew a day.

    And six would be better.

  6. the sooner you drop dead the better off we will all be

  7. Rebecca says:

    I confess that I buy bottled water when I’m having a party — it’s convenient for the guests. But otherwise its good old Artesian tap water.

  8. Truth Teller says:

    Look most of this stuff is filled at the tap in Philly and Baltimore. What did P.T. Barman say about suckers

  9. Dominique says:

    ‘good old Artesian tap water’

    Where? Certainly not coming from my taps. Water should not have a flavor yet the stuff that comes from my tap has a distinctive metallic taste.

    I have a Deer Park dispenser in my house. Call me whatever you want. I drink water all day and I’ll gladly pay for it if it means I’m not drinking Artesian piss water.

  10. RAY K> says:

    I`m 61 yars old in perfect health, and have never bought bottled water in my life. Plain delaware tap water has sustained me my whole life. People who buy bottled water have fallen for the oldest trick in the capitilist play book, use innovation and advertising to force the masses to buy what they don`t really need.

  11. Call It says:

    I only buy bottled water if it has crack sprinkled in it.

    Otherwise I steal it.

  12. Dominique says:

    DHB – Thanks, I’ve modeled myself after you.

  13. Dominique says:

    BTW, it’s “you’re”. Moron.

  14. Anders says:

    Yeah, I buy bottled water, mostly because I don’t trust the DE water supply. DE has scary high cancer rates

    It’d be more economical to install a RO unit, but I haven’t gotten around to it. In the meantime, I’ll stick to bottled.

  15. jason330 says:

    With Delaware’s scare high cancer rates isn’t it fitting that our state hero, Caesar Rodney, had cancer?

    There is a certain symmetry to that which I never considered.

  16. David says:

    As usual, I respectfully disagree with you. I drink tap water but sometimes in Dover, it is so brown you can’t even wash clothes in it. I keep a good supply of bottled water. I had it smell so bad that I had to use lotion after taking a shower.

    I am glad to have cheap spring water by the bulk. It doesn’t cost much in a case and having it when I am out is a lot better than soda and other nonsense. Americans are better off drinking bottled water than the junk they were drinking.