Will McCain Defeat McCastle?

Filed in National by on February 27, 2008

The prospect is worth considering.

We know that John McCain is going to run on how super-mega- awesome Iraq is.  Will Mike Castle be forced to cleave to the party line?   That would be interesting.  I mean we know Mike Castle does not want to stay in Iraq for 100 years…right?

McCastle has tried to walk a fine line on Iraq I think McCain’s lunatic bluster  takes that option off the table. McCain is not shy about claiming that not only has our investment in Iraq been well spent, but that we’ll happily spend hundreds of billions of dollars more to make sure freedom stays on the march in Iraq.  How does Mike Castle contend with that craziness?

During an election campaign I should think McCastle might be asked (even by our lap dog-suck-ass-so-called-News-Journal) to resolve the inherent contradiction of his support for McCain.

How does Mike Castle say, on the one hand, people should vote for McCain…but on the other hand say that he is bat-shit crazy when it comes to Iraq?  Something’s gotta give.
Yes, the more I think about it – the more I think that John McCrazy might be the guy who does what no Democrat has been able to do: Defeat Mike Castle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. Rebecca says:

    McCastle will be John McCain’s State Chairman. Same as he was for Bush in 2000 and 2004. Hopefully, a breath of Obama will blow in, or through, the ears of Delaware’s voters this year and throw the bum out. We’ve got a good candidate in Chris Bullock.

  2. Brian says:

    Do they sell hamburgers at McCastle?

  3. Congressman Castle will run on many other issues than Iraq- as he should. His record on many other issues will be more profound than Iraq.

    Mr. Bullock does not have a record on any particular issue which will galvanize folks against Mike Castle.

    It won’t be easy but then again it should not be.

  4. liz allen says:

    Mike: Rev. Bullock isn’t the only one running! interesting you would make a comment about having a “record”, which is what the republicans and some talk show hosts continue to point out!

    McCastle has a “record” and it is “record” that can destroy him. If he continues to stand with the Bushites, and Mccain 100 year it’es…he should be easy picken’s.

    Can you name one piece of legislation McCastle has brought to Delaware that actually changed the lives of one Delawarean…oops, I mean one middle class or working class Delawarean. We all know that his record of standing with the corporate elites of Greenville and some in Sussex is well known. Just check who supports him with big money!

  5. Hank says:

    What type of legislation are you suggesting?

  6. jason330 says:

    How about some more commemorative coins? A 9/11 quarter series would SWEET!

  7. Dana Garrett says:

    I actually can’t believe that McCain is actually going to run on how grand the Iraq war is and how fair tax cuts for the rich are.

    I mean, beyond being caught w/ Craig in a bathroom stall, can you conceive of a greater gift than what he is handing to the Democratic Party?

  8. Dana Garrett says:

    “How about some more commemorative coins? A 9/11 quarter series would SWEET!”

    LOL! You have a future in writing political comedy.

  9. Brian says:

    I am suggesting a new franchise called McCastle that sells hamburgers to stoners……or a coin series…who can say…I can eat the burgers and rub the coins all over my naked body.

  10. anonymous says:

    Rebecca, y0u can’t be serious – Bullock a good candidate? What a joke.

  11. anon says:

    McCain is actually going to run on how grand the Iraq war is and how fair tax cuts for the rich are.

    Once the GOP campaign machine gets going that message will be pumped out nonstop as “support the troops” and “stimulate the economy.” And Obama will be painted as an America-hating big spender. Never underestimate the willingness of the American voter to swallow such crap. Obama will have to be at his best to counteract it.