BREAKING NEWS: U.S. economy grew just 0.6 percent in Q4 of 2007; annual growth worst in 5 years

Filed in National by on January 30, 2008

Economy nearly stalled in last quarter of 2007

But as my father wisely stated….Sure, because the stupid Dems are bad mouthing it so much and doing their best to get it to tank!!!!
The economy will be fine.

So there you have it. It’s the dem’s fault we are in this mess

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hiding in the open

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  1. From Pine View Farm » Bushonomics | January 30, 2008
  1. Brian says:

    If we look at the fundementals of the economy, it is not so rosy. One need only check the GAO reports to see what is actually going on within the government.

    I love this statement: “Despite improvements in the short term deficits, the long term outlook continued to move in the wrong direction.”

    Or these two which illustrate the scope of the problem very clearly:

  2. Brian says:

    Hey Jason, I submitted a comment with articles from the GAO that you guys really shoudl see. I think it got moderated?

  3. Brian says:
