I like kavips but he/she is dreaming whe it comes to Ron Paul

Filed in National by on November 29, 2007

In response to my observation that the media narrative on Ron Paul is that he is nuts and that …“it is only going become a bigger and bigger part of the story until thte day when Paul mispeaks (or slips on a patch of ice) (or gets cake frosting on the tip of his nose) and it will be allllllll over then.

Because that picture or audio comment will be everywhere and the national versions of Ron Williams will say “See!”

Kavips responds…

So the question remains on how Ron Paul supporters are to respond when the media picks up an incident and runs with “See….?”

And the correct response, which needs to be unified among all of Ron Paul’s reformers, is the single answer to which there is no response, reply, or rebuttal…..

And that answer is “So,….?”

Then continue doing what you are doing…..Had Dean supporters en masse followed this tactic, quite possibly Dean would have appeared Teflon coated and strong against the press, as he approached the next round of primaries. Instead his mousy apologies and waffling supporters, made voters think for a second “Uh,… he does seem to be a second tier candidate,” and step into the voting booth thinking “not this time around.”

“It is not the accusation that condemns; it is ones response.”

What a joke. You think Dean supporters didn’t try that tact?

It the court of public opinion – like a court of law – you only get to make a case if you have “standing.”

Dean supporters (“en masse” or otherwise) didn’t have any standing. Nor will Paul’s. I don’t like it, but that’s the way it works.

You want proof: Take a look into the media sausage factory. But don’t say that I did not warn you. Link

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Brian says:

    We will see.

  2. Alan Coffey says:

    It is, after all, about the ideas, not the man.

  3. kavips says:

    Wow, finally,… after all this time, (What a joke) I say something funny.

    I understand your support for Dean. Believe me, I understand. But again, I don’t think Dean supporters tried the tactic I proposed, at all. I know this for a fact, because I vividly remember yelling (Donviti style) at the television screen after watching Trippet back-peddle on C span and Matthews the day after Iowa.

    However you have done a great service for Ron supporters by bringing this up. They now know it is coming, and can prepare for it.

    Again, the tactic is simple: take the opposing statement at face value, say “so what…” and then hammer your own candidates three strongest points. 99% of the voters will only hear the last words said…..

    Example: “So….It’s a free country; they can say what they want; doesn’t make it true. But the fact remains: Ron Paul is the only Republican who stands for limited government,low taxes,who will pull us out of Iraq as soon possible!”

    Finally, if you mean “votes” when you talk about “standing”, then we agree even more….It is in the votes that it all shakes down….Until then, I cannot believe anything the media says…for their one goal, is to promote a Giuliani-Clinton Heavy -weight Title. If the votes aren’t there, they aren’t there….

    But properly handling of the media after “the attack” will go a long way to persuade voters that Paul is “for real.”

    As one savvy person said before me: We shall see.