C’mon Dave

Filed in National by on October 27, 2007

I saw that JC sign swining in the breeze on my way home from work on Thursday. Do you mean to tell me that someone took it down in stages? Use more tie wraps next time and they might hold up to the weather better.



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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Outside the Perimeter: Halloween Version « kavips | October 30, 2007
  1. Jason,

    Dave turned comments off on that post for a reason. He didn’t want anyone poking holes in his pictures.

  2. anon says:

    Dave should immediately robocall everyone in the district warning them not to hurt themselves taking vigilante action if they encounter Democratic thugs in the neighborhood.

  3. kavips says:

    Signs don’t vote. People do.

  4. Dave says:

    Hurricane Katrina couldn’t have bent that post like that.

  5. Dave says:

    And note that they use the same posts we do. But somehow our exact same posts don’t withstand the “natural effects” that theirs do.

  6. jason330 says:

    See the picture. They use bolts where you used tie wraps.

    Also, I’d love to do a little “myth busters” style test on that post to show you that when one is connected to a large peice of plastic flapping around in a storm it would twist and fold up faster than you could say “Bob’s your uncle.”

  7. Dave says:

    You’re going to claim that the steel is weaker than the tie?

  8. Dave says:

    And if there was that strong a wind, why is the sign laying down in the exact place it was erected? Why isn’t it down the road?

    Come on, man. It is what it is.

  9. anon. says:

    Come on Dave quit whining. Ennis’ sign from your picture is a 4×4 with at least six bolts and washers. JC signs are 4×8 catching twice the amount of wind with cheap nylon ties! Mama always said, “anything worth doing is worth doing right”, get off your fat ass and work sometime. Take the time and erect her signs STRONGER AND THEY MIGHT NOT BLOW DOWN, you idiot.

  10. anon. says:

    And another thing. With that filthy mouth, and bad attitude you have had lately, should’nt you be getting ready for church on a Sunday morning instead of blogging? Now run along and don’t forget to put on clean underwear and wash behind your ears.

  11. Dave says:

    Morons — look all around the signs. The water is inches deep. But the Ennis sign has no tilt to it. If there was enough wind to bend the signpost, the only way the Ennis sign doesn’t lean in the saturated ground is if it was JUST PUT IN.

  12. Dave says:

    “Mama always said, “anything worth doing is worth doing right””

    Mama didn’t say “anything worth doing right is worth making the union thugs do for you?”

    I can’t imagine what your mama thinks of you. She must be proud.

  13. anon. says:

    Didn’t really see any water around your pics?? Maybe a little on the edge of the field.

  14. jason330 says:

    No more “Mama” talk.

  15. George says:

    Aww Dave… those Democrat thugs are always causing you trouble!

    Why don’t you do a little stake-out with a video camera? You could catch those mean, nasty Democrats in the act!

  16. what is it says:

    What is it with you republicans and signs… get over it. Democrats have been getting signs vandlised,stolen,destroyed by mother nature etc. since god created man. Guess what? We replace them and chalk it up to part of the game. Anyways anybody who is worth a grain of salt in campaign politics knows you use atleast 3 tomato stakes and never use zip ties. Easy to cut and allows too much give in the signs.

    But campaigning is about the issues not some stupid signs!

  17. ANNON II says:

    I resent the ‘union thugs’ charge…

    Organized labor’s many benefits have been adopted by almost most businesses in the U.S. The fourty hours week, child labor restrictions, etc.

    ….union membership has done the most to bring average blue collar workers into the middleclass…because they earn a LIVING WAGE.

  18. donviti says:

    dave’s imigination is getting to him with all this time off at his kids.

    me thinks you are watching too many cartoons these days, davey

  19. Dr. "G" -Medical/Sign Examiner says:

    Please Dave.
    1. The post on top of the white chloroplast sign has not dirt on the bottom ( This is a staged photo)
    2. You can’t see if it is a Christian sign because it is upside down.
    3. If you notice Dave, through the autopsy, the white downed sign was put up at least twice because there are 2 tie wraps. One where it blew down the first time.( The white one) The second was from the 2nd attempt to put it back up (The yellow tie wrap). There are red and blue tie wraps on the post, which could have never been on the white sign because there are only two (White and yellow) tie wraps on the white, face down sign.
    4. It was very windy last week and a lot of her signs were laying down throughout the district, not just this one.
    5. Dave, come on. This is a staged photo.
    6. And last but not least, Ennis signs were NOT put up by Union Labor.
    Maybe you can give a class to the young kids who come down from Greenville.

  20. Anon says:

    – – YEAH!! And since Dave has his “Comments OFF ” on his web site, that means the only recourse is you ,Jason.
    Thanks for letting comments in and on. And IF YOU COMMENT ON DAVE’S Blog ,He and his crew will track you down on you URL address and do the “Republican Rat You Out” thang.
    -Dave, The post with what “Dr. G.” mentioned earlier = “Staged 3 Stooge’s Photo”

  21. Dr. "G" Sign Examiner says:

    Dave , Question for the Jury.
    Were there 75 – 4′ x 8′ signs of Joanne Christian’s signs down?

    Or were there her little paper signs on wire hangers placed at the entrances, in the right of way, included in the total you purport?

  22. Chris says:

    “I resent the ‘union thugs’ charge…”

    Probably because you are one.

    Try crossing a picket line during a strike and see if you still resent it.