Mike Castle Reasserts his full and unwavering support for Bush

Filed in National by on September 26, 2007

The Poor News Journal… taken in again.  [At this point you have to wonder if they are this stupid or a willing participant in the “bi-partisan” compact fraud that Castle is peddling.]
For those of you unfamiliar with Castle’s current kabuki dance:

The list includes: 1) an end to the in-fighting, 2) full-funding for troops on the ground, 3) a clearly defined mission, 4) increase pressure on Iraqi government, 5) “adequate” rest for troops deployed to Iraq, 6) a “responsible” redeployment, 7) a continued military presence in Iraq, and 8) increased diplomacy with other countries in the region.

I was going to mock this an write a parody of the 8 principle’s – but it is self mocking.

…increase pressure on Iraqi government,   Ha!
.. a continued military presence in Iraq,..   Just what all of Delaware is clamoring for!!

Thanks Mike!!   This should make your retirement inevitable. 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (2)

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  1. Dana says:

    Jason, just what exactly do you think the odds are that the democrats will unseat Mike Castle? My guess is that they are somewhare in the neighborhood of those that your senior senator will be the next president.

  2. jason330 says:

    Right now I put the odds at 7 to 1.

    When you have an agreement from the state’s one big circulation newspaper to not cover your voting record AND one of the State’s two Democratic Senators as a part of your re-election team – you have a huge built in advantage.