The surge is working! The surge is working!

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 24, 2007

Iraq Blast Kills 9 GIs, Injures 20 At Outpost
Suicide Attack in Diyala Among Deadliest of War

wait, nevermind, go back to work, just a few more dead American Soldiers. Please go back to watching American Idol sorry to bother you. 


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hiding in the open

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  1. dick hemmert says:

    When will this country awaken to yhe fact the man wants to be a dictator? When will they admit he was one for six years ? And i am a moderate.

  2. donviti says:


    thanks for visiting and commenting.

    to answer your question, I don’t think they want to admit it, that is why he has gotten away with such reckless abandon. This unitary executive crap has nearly ruined the office and taken the presidency to a new level

    again thanks for visiting

  3. Disbelief says:

    I think the Supremes, if their current concern is the government’s interest in human life, should have spent more time on whether its Constitutional to kill 18 year old kids in a pointless yet profitable war (at least for Cheney) than on meddling with surgical procedures barely understood by the most vocal opponents.

  4. jason330 says:

    The ruthless and cunning exploitation of the 9/11 crimes along with a cowardly Democratic leadership and a very weak lapdog press brought us closer to fascism than I ever thought possible.

    We have a new Democratic leadership and the public is more aware of the ongoing 9/11 con job, but in my view we still have a very weak press.

    There needs to be a thorough house cleaning from little Wilmington News Journal all the way up to the New York Times.

    In the past we could depend on people whop have failed so miserably to step down out of a sense of honor. Those days are gone, so utter failures like the WNJ’s Doug Williams will need to be pushed out.

  5. donviti says:

    I think the white house and politicians in general figured out long ago that keeping their enemies closer is never a truer statement when it comes to the press.

    Just look at how they rubbed elbows at the correspondants (sp?) dinner the other night. Truly disgusting show of how intertwined the 2 institutions are.

  6. Tyler Nixon says:

    One of my best friends in life, a soldier I served with in the Infantry in Europe when we were literally still teenagers, recently emailed me that he was on his way back to the “sandbox”. He is in the Special Forces now (his career dream) and has three young kids. I know he can handle himself but since communications are spotty from over there, at least for him, I literally shudder every time I see a new report of soldiers KIA. I can never find the names, though…

    Knowing how I feel every day about this, I cannot imagine the daily angst and fear and uncertainty plaguing the lives of countless families and friends of so many brave Americans who are treated as fodder for the fascist neocon cannon. I can’t even fathom the devastation for the families who open their front door to see sharply-dressed soldiers bearing the wrenching heartbreak they will carry for the rest of their lives. The fact that Bush has the disgusting gall to use any soldiers as media props/backdrops for his threadbare loony propaganda rants
    makes me almost physically nauseated.

    I thank GOD for the Democrats, for more and more Republicans now, and for anti-war people from any party willing to stand up each day and ratchet the pressure more and more against this would-be dictator Bush’s bloodthirsty imperialist fantasies about “victory” at any cost. Wars of attrition NEVER have victors. But leave it to that stunted draft-dodging puppet to have ignored the brutal lessons of the analogous war he and his henchmen personally avoided in Southeast Asia 3-4 decades ago.

    On American Experience last night the topic was the “Fall of Saigon”. It was truly eerie to hear the identical, almost word-for-word arguments being made by the VietNam era neocons as being made today by their current incarnation. Same exact words, different country. Same shite, different generation. When will the American people once and for all toss these reptilian sociopaths on the mungheap of history?

    By now it is beginning to sound overused, but Bush, Cheney et al are flat-out goddamn war criminals. They MUST be impeached and removed from office, if only to be held accountable for crimes already committed much less those still ongoing.

    This war must end as soon as the troops can be loaded up for re-deployment. At this point I don’t care if Iraq devolves into total apocalypse. It is not worth another drop of blood from a single solitary American soldier.

  7. Disbelief says:

    Not only what Tyler said, but I think it would be only fair that Cheney should have to return all monies derived from Halliburton. Blind trust my ass.

  8. donviti says:

    tyler was in the Army?

    Man that explains alot 🙂