Around the Horn Friday: Tearful Apology Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 30, 2007

I must start this “Around the Horn” with the last time that I will rave about the bravery of Dave Burris over at First State Politics. I don’t care what anyone says, I credit Dave with talking John Adkins into resigning. He has my eternal respect. Now where have you been Brutha? Dave promises to return to blogging on Monday.

Tommywonk has the scoop on how the Republicans have already given up on the Delaware Governor’s office. Looks like Carney or that other guy… 🙂 Rove to Copeland: Drop Dead!

Dana Garrett over at Delaware Watch is talking about safe harbor provisions for State employees. Dana brings the drama. Plus he is keeping his foot on the throat of Thurman Adams.

Donviti has a story about the new links between the White House and MZM, the company that got Duke Cunningham in trouble. He also has some breaking news coming, so we are standing by…

Down with Absolutes has a great write up on the 41st RD in the spirit of Stephen Colbert. Wonderful.

Jesus’ General has a story that shows how to google your way to better relations with our friends to the South.

Over at Karmic Musings, Jay has a reprint of one of my favorite joke emails. My fave is “Ask People What Sex They Are. Laugh Hysterically After They Answer.”

Kavips has a post telling Dave Burris that he may have one victory here, but getting his boy Mitt elected is an uphill battle.

Ryan at Liberal Delight gives kudos to the Senate for the war smackdown on troop-hating President.

Merit Bound Alley has a great quote from an uber-geek conversation. Choose Perversion.

Nancy Willing covers uber-blogger Celia Cohen about the Adkins babysitter and the hush money she was offered (OK, it was a promise of Cool Ranch Doritos in the house every time she babysat).

Meanwhile, Celia is reporting that Atkins is trying to get his name on the ballot for the special election that will be held to replace him. If the Republicans won’t have him, he may go independent. Scum.

Mike Matthews Mahaffie is schooling MOT Newbie on Yiddish terms. Can I hear it in a sentence? Yes, “Dave Burris is a Mensch.”

Speaking of MOT Newbie, please check out his call for help with a little girl with a rare disease. Or his last minute entries about County council starving to death or programming tips for WDEL.

Pencader Days has a link to a YouTube clip showing Rove…I guess you could call it dancing…

Mike Protack is on an education jag. He is up to #4 of 50. This could take a while…

Hube Felix at Colossus of Rhodey is bitching about the failure of the Sam Fox ambassadorship. There is some Kerry bitterness in Hube.

Paul Smith has a post about how Maryland is taking a gamble in trying to bypass the electoral college.

Ryan at JttR is trying to pin the Military Hospital problems on Diane Feinstein. Yes, in January she started installing rats nests and leaky plumbing. Good analysis, Ryan.

Finally, Kilroy is annoyed at DelTech and the people that get scholarships to it.


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  1. Burris must be holding down the fort until the Atkins tsusami is over…if ever.

    You have named Mike Musings Mike a Matthews by mistake here…ouch!

    And I have added a post on a GOPer Hollywood candidate and his faith (or not). And I am working on a post about the pet food poisoning scandal – is there a coverup by the global capitalists?

  2. Oh yeah, I love it that you have been including Jesus’ General – a fantastic site.
    Is he a Delaware blogger?????????????
    Do dish.

  3. anon says:

    Great roundup, but I want the three minutes I spent at Paul Smith’s Giazzzaaz back.

    Who do I see about that?

  4. liberalgeek says:

    If I’m out the three minutes, so are you. Think of it as giving to the less fortunate.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Hi Nancy – as far as i know, he is not. Just wanted to include him. He is pretty good.

  6. doctornick says:

    Hey. When you’ve faced down Charlie and slogged through the rice patties of Nam like Hube you have the right to a little bitterness.

    What? Hube was never in Nam?

    Never mind.

  7. G Rex says:


  8. Hube says:

    Do you guys have serious reading/perception deficiency or what?? Take a look at the post you blast ME for, and then take a gander at its actual author, OK?

    You guys are pathetic enough w/o attributing to me posts not actually written by me.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll be damned. Hube is finally right. My humble apologies, Hube. Felix is the miscreant.

  10. doctornick says:

    Hey. When you’ve faced down Charlie and slogged through the rice patties of Nam like Felix you have the right to a little bitterness.

    What? Felix was never in Nam?

    Never mind.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    I need to stop posting in an Atkins state of mind.

  12. Hube says:

    You cretins just wish you were correct as often as I am. But thanks just the same, Geek.

    And Nicky: The “chickenhawk” argument really is tiresome. Just remember that if you are logical at all (chee-yeah, RIGHT! As if!) then if YOU have no personal involvement in an issue, then you too “have no right to comment.” On whatever topic.

    And, oh, gee, you mean those Swift Boat Vets were never in ‘Nam?

    Oh, never mind.

    (And the usual DE Liberal doltishness rolls on…)

  13. Rebecca says:

    I just can’t fathom how ANY American, whether they served in the armed forces or not, can stand by and watch “Big Brother” take over our nation. Didn’t your high school curriculum included 1984? I know that NCLB has pretty much cancelled all civics classes but I think your are old enough to have attended some. What? Did you sleep through them?

    My Dad is a WWII vet and a life-long Republican. He’s switched his party because he can’t deal with what the Rethugs are doing to the country. After sixty some years he can no longer stomach his party. He’s wondering what he gave up four years of his life for. How do you explain that to him Hube?

    I’m sorry but I think it is just DISGUSTING! And that’s from someone who has spent a lifetime sitting at Sunday Dinner having reasonable bi-partisan discussions. I’ve had plenty of training for being civil and respectful of the bi-partisan process. But, I’ve also had plenty of training on accountability, Mom and Dad insisted on it. Actions have consequences.

    Suck it up Hube! You are supporting the wrong team and the fact that you hang out here with all of us liberals suggests that you know it! Either that or you are some kind of masochist.

  14. steamboat says:


    face it, you didn’t fight in vietnam, therefore you are a chickenhawk.


    don’t give me some whiney excuse about being 8 years old when siagon fell (due to the perfidy of the dems).

    This is a logic free zone… obviosly you should have lied about your age.

  15. Hube says:

    Rebecca: Before you rant and rave like your typical San Francisco protester, it might help to actually know my view about the Iraq War, etc. But since you obviously don’t, you’re just another mindless, cretinous automaton like the dolts who run this asylum.

  16. anon says:

    Hube hates the sin but loves the sinners.

  17. donviti says:


    the chickenhawk thing is almost as tired as the “clintons did it too, waaaaaaaaaaah.: