Big Time Kudos to Dave Burris at FSP

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 25, 2007

Please click on this link and read Dave Burris’ letter to the Republican Caucus in the House.  I have a great deal of respect for Dave, and this enhances that respect.  He calls the Republicans to account for John Atkins’ behavior and stands up for what he believes.  I have offered Dave a seat at the Democratic table if the Republicans kick him out.  Bravo, Dave!


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  1. motnewbie says:

    Even I came out of my cocoon and posted on his letter! Bravo to him indeed!

  2. doctornick says:

    Holy shit!

  3. MOT Newbie says:

    Yeah, I know! I actually posted!

    Oh, wait…you mean Dave…oops, my bad!

  4. I just read it on DE Watch. Dana calls it huge developemnt in the Atkins case. If so, that certainly gives ole Burris some major moxy.

    It is a slamming great letter and it made tears come up, literally.

    Great leadership there.