Around the Horn Friday: Bedtime for Gonzo Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 23, 2007

It has been a week of sad anniversaries, political intrigue and Dick Cathcart giving John Atkins a safe ride home. In addition, I have cleaned up the blogroll a little, as promised. If anyone is unhappy with their placement, let me know. I am not tied to the classification of any of them, except Hube, FSP and our newest addition, Gazizza (gesundheit!).  Here’s to a new AG in April.

It has been a banner week for Tommywonk. Today is the deadline for comments to Karen Nickerson at the Public Service Commission. Tom has been posting all week around the subject. Please read up and get your comments in today. We can make a difference in this fight.

Dana has also been busy over at DelawareWatch, but he took some time to post a sad obituary for the wife of Dave Crossan, Elizabeth Crossan. DelawareLiberal also extends our deepest sympathies to Dave and his family.

Donviti has given a nice face lift to De la Where. He has a good link to Nicholas Kristof’s piece about how Cheney is conspiring to make Iraq the most powerful country in the middle-east. Thanks, Darth.

Down With Absolutes is upset that Red Clay is paying no attention to Cab Calloway. I’m sure there is a joke it there, but I can’t seem to think or one now.

Jesus’ General has a great theory about what caused the 18 day gap in emails about the US Attorney scandal. It’s amazing what you can get people to admit to when you torture them.

Karmic Jay is making dessert. Sanjay, call me. I can come over for dessert any day.

Over at Liberal Delight, Ryan is comparing the White House to a Frat House. I suspect that the Greeks on campus might take issue with the comparison.

Nancy Willing will not be silenced! She is making the case for preserving some historic land and pulling some serious revolutionary war era history out of her hind quarters. Go get ’em Nancy. I drive by that farm every day and would rather see it preserved.

Everyones favorite blogger, Celia Cohen has a nice cut at why labor unions are happy with the Delaware Republican leadership. Good blogging Celia, you are a gift to blogkind.

Mike Mahaffie has a doppelgänger in California. The similarities are scary… OK, not really.

MOT Newbie is still on hiatus waiting for that baby to arrive. Shit, Angelina Jolie has gotten two kids in as long as it’s taking this baby to come.

Duffy over at Pencader Days has a review of movie reviews. And I’m posting about a post… deep. Oh and we gonna fight about your review of Crash.

Mike Protack has a post up about how some pols want to increase tax revenue by sending more jack-booted thugs to collect the taxes. Welcome to the Horn, Mike.

Hube at the Colossus of Rhodey thinks that Hazleton, PA is within their rights to enforce their own immigration rules. Nevermind that they don’t have jurisdiction, but the facts don’t usually get in the way of Hube…

Dave Burris at FSP points out that there is a reason why DHS is crazy.

Paul Smith has some coverage of the implications of Elizabeth Edwards’ new cancer diagnosis.

Into the Good and Evil defends David Legates’ freedom of speech.

Jokers to the Right has some coverage of the cloning bills in the State House and Senate.

Finally, Kilroy has a story about how the State DoE hasn’t been getting its homework done on time.


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  1. Dr. Nick says:

    Great post geek. But I still nominate Celia Cohen for “Blogger of the Year!”

  2. Dr. Nick says:

    BTW, How odd is it that Iraq war passed this week and NONE of the conservative bloggers in the blog roll even MENTIONED* Iraq this week?

    What a bunch of pussies!

    Contrast the absolute silence to this bluster from Joker’s on the Right from last year:

    As Bush’s popularity has sunk — largely for non-war reasons — it has pushed the war’s popularity down, too.

    …and his triumphalism a mere 24 months ago:

    I’m not saying we should get cocky at all, and I think the Middle East has a long way to go, but it is nice that democratic achievements in that region are recognized from the Left. Afghanistan and Iraq are good starts, and it seems Lebanon could join them, as well as Egypt, but the bigger fish of Saudi Arabia and Iran are still a long way off.

    ahh…the good old days.

  3. donviti says:

    but the facts don’t usually get in the way of Hube…

    I give 5 minutes before Pube says something like this:

    ah, but the facts never got in the way of the Clinton administration you hypocratic mental midget.

    but I could be wrong….though I doubt it

  4. doctornick says:


    I love that comment so much I want to take it to Tuscany for a romantic getaway.

  5. anon says:

    And the rightwing blogs lately haven’t even bothered their usual cut and paste of Iraq talking points from Are they shellshocked, or do we maybe have a smarter breed of wingnut in Delaware?

  6. Duffy says:

    While I’m no conservative I think there’s only so much I can post about Iraq week after week. Call it Iraq Fatigue. Combine that with the fact that people like Michael Yon are doing far better than I can.

  7. donviti says:


    are you saying you are tired of war?

  8. Ryan S. says:

    I don’t read RedState (or many other blogs for that matter). One of the reasons I haven’t been talking about Iraq is that it seems to be more or less stagnant right now. Another contributing factor is that I tend to talk about Iraq a lot in real life, and feel mental monotony if I’m talking about the same thing all the time.

  9. Ryan S. says:

    Oh, and Dr. Nick, 24 months ago is a long time.

  10. anon says:

    One of the reasons I haven’t been talking about Iraq is that it seems to be more or less stagnant right now.

    You’re right. Nothing much happening in Iraq. The real action is in Iran!

  11. doctornick says:

    You left out one BIG reason Ryan. You know what I’m talking about.

  12. doctornick says:

    And by the way Ryan, do you still have no doubt your mind that going to war in Iraq was perfectly justifiable and worth it?

  13. Ryan S. says:

    “And by the way Ryan, do you still have no doubt your mind that going to war in Iraq was perfectly justifiable and worth it?”

    Does it matter? The fact is that we are there now. Maybe going in was a bad idea, but you can’t judge that based on what happened after the decision was made.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, you can look in hindsight. Businesses and individuals do it all the time. Isn’t that the mantra? Run the country like a business? If this were a business venture that had gone wrong, you would discontinue the product line to find something better to spend your money on.

    You can then look at the dumb decisions that you made that got you into that trouble. The key is really to admit that it was a mistake. Until this administration can admit that it made a mistake, they will be unable to say anything except full speed ahead. How many more of our soldiers will have to die to make the mistake more clear?

  15. motnewbie says:

    I dunno geek, when you and I square off for the RD9 seat in 2020, I will remember this snub of my posts!

    You are hereby no longer known as liberalgeek, you are now liberalPUNK!

    Plus, Dr. Nick likes me better anyway. He unintentionally said that the other day.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    I just want to make sure that the voters remember this snub. They will say things like, “I would have snubbed that lazy, no posting bastard, too” Pregnant wife or no, you have a responsibility to post! Don’t make me whip out a Ross Perot-like graph of “Number of posts by MOT Newbie in the past 4 weeks” I have probably mentioned your unupdated blog more times than you have posted in the past month. I could graph that too…

    OK, you got me. We just miss you and your insight. It is because of that pain that I dis’d you. A geek’s got to sleep, and it’s hard work going around the horn these days. Shit, you try reading Hube for content… It can cause aneurysms.

    As for the LiberalPunk moniker, I’ve been called worse by better… Kiss Cathcart for me…

  17. Hube says:


    you hypocratic mental midget.

    Thanks for making my usual point about you so succinctly. This couldn’t have been phrased any better! LOL!!

  18. doctornick says:

    Maybe going in was a bad idea, but you can’t judge that based on what happened after the decision was made.

    Jesus! You are dumb Ryan.

  19. donviti says:

    to ryan s,

    “And by the way Ryan, do you still have no doubt your mind that going to war in Iraq was perfectly justifiable and worth it?”

    Does it matter?

    YES IT DOES FUCKING MATTER. that is the whole point of the arguement. The white house seems to think like you do. “well, we are there now, lets make the best of it”

    that is a bullshit answer. You can’t go to war on lies, then say well, too bad, sorry about your luck, now lets move on. don’t look in the past…

    total horseshit and your answer is the big problem with what politicians struggle with apparently.

    now it’s oh well, we made the mess we have to clean it up.

  20. Duffy says:

    DV: Yes I’m tired of this war. I’d be very happy if it was won and done but it isn’t that simple.

    Moreover, I’m tired of my own pontificating about the war. I just don’t have anything new to add right now and many others are saying it far better than I am.

  21. motnewbie says:

    You better do some reading this week, liberalpunk and/or Dr. Rivera! I got nice and snarky tonight. After this, I think I am focusing on all baby!